Global Alliance for Justice Education 9th Worldwide Conference
Our Approach How do we teach? What do we teach? Who teaches? Practical legal knowledge Everyday law, government, democracy, & human rights How do we teach? Interactive instruction that develops analytical, problem-solving, communication, and advocacy skills All Street Law programs, in the U.S. and around the world feature the Street Law approach. The graphic above summarizes this approach. When working at a new site (e.g., a new country project), we work closely with in-country partners to develop know how so that they can ensure quality in their civic education programs. Aspects of this approach are often quite new – particularly the interactive instruction – and substantial training is needed to master this pedagogy. Who teaches? Teachers, lawyers, law students, judges, law enforcement officers, & youth workers
Public Legal Education Programs Law School-Based Public Legal Education Programs Law School Seminars Legal content Teaching strategies Administrative issues Law Student Teaching Teams School or community settings Frequency Collaboration with teacher Field Observation Post observation meeting
Benefits to Law Students Benefits to Students Taught by Law Students Street Law Rationale Benefits to Law Students Benefits to Students Taught by Law Students