Volunteering Within Fall 2018
Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, MyOrgs! Facebook: Volunteering Within Twitter: @VolunteeringWi1 MyOrgs: Volunteering Within
Jessica Year: Senior Major/minor: Accounting | Finance Position: President
Kaley Year: Junior Major/minor: Exercise and Sports Science (Pre-PT) | Psychology Position: Co President
Katelyn Year: Senior Major/Minor: Finance Position: Treasurer
Rory Year: Sophomore Major/minor: Accounting Position: Secretary
Patrick Year: Sophomore Major: Finance Position: Event Coordinator Ask me about my dog!
Adam Year: Sophomore Major/Minor: Biology (Pre-PA) Position: Director of Public Relations
What do we do? Volunteer anywhere and everywhere in the La Crosse area. “One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time.”
Trick or Treat for Canned Goods When: Halloween Oct 31st 3pm to 6pm Collecting canned goods for the (food pantry) help feed families for thanksgiving This will count as one of the two events you must do as a club member. There will be
Teddy Bear Toss Club Sponsored Event
Spring Clean Up Grandads Bluff cleanup Earth Day clean up
Enchanted Forest Trick or treat nature walk, children’s activities, entertainment, and music celebration. When: Oct 20th from 10 am to 3 pm Where: Myrick Park What: Create signs, hang decorations, greet people, sell tickets, make hot chocolate. http://signup.com/go/jKNkBwJ Contact: events@wiscorps.org or (608)782-2494
YMCA Youth Sports Volunteers Teach and instruct children in a variety of sports including flag football, soccer, kickball, baseball, basketball, and more Miracle League Buddies Pre-School Classes Assist pre-school instructors in crafts, cooking, and gym classes http://www.laxymca.org/files/3514/5824/0562/Volunteer_Opportunities_2015-2016_.pdf
YMCA-Special Events YMCA Oktoberfest Youth 3-on-3 Tournament September 2018 • La Crosse Y Youth have a chance to compete and have fun while getting ready for the basketball season. Volunteers are needed to help referee, be scorekeepers and court monitors. Contacts: Kyle Moll (608)519-5468 or Rich Johnson (608)519-5480 YMCA Maple Leaf Walk Run September 29th, 2018 A fun and active way for the entire family to kick off the Oktoberfest Celebration and support the Y’s Strong Kids Campaign. Volunteers needed to help with registration. Contact: Travis Pernsteiner at tpernsteiner@laxymca.orgor (608)519-5483
Gundersen/Mayo Shadowing for the health professions Mayo: Contact Renee Foster at Foster.Renee@mayo.edu for more information Gundersen: Karla Korish at (608) 775-3294 or kakorish@gundersenhealth.org for more information
Kane Street Community Garden Assist with planting, weeding, and harvesting each season in order to distribute free vegetables to the community. Open until Oct 15th. Volunteer Hours: Harvest Hours: Monday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday: 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Tuesday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Thursday: 3:00 pm -5:00 pm Wednesday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Saturday: 10 am -Noon Thursday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Sunday Closed
River Watch What: Patrol the river with friends to ensure a safe environment. When: Thursdays, Friday’s, and Saturday’s 2 Time Slots 11 pm - 1 am 1 am - 3 am Contact: Alex Mrotek (Director)- 414.534.0544 mrotek.alex@uwlax.edu Chris Dewinter (Volunteer Coordinator) dewinter.chri@uwlax.edu
Humane Society Minimum of 3-month commitment Average of 8 hours per week Dog adopt volunteer and cat adopt volunteer Volunteer Coordinator Megan Krueger | megan.krueger@couleehumane.com
Obligations Dues $5 per semester. $10 for the whole year. Hours per semester 10 hours per year (Recommend 10 a semester) Participate in at least 2 club sponsored events Trick or Treat for Cans Teddy Bear Toss Spring Clean-Up
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, MyOrgs Facebook: Volunteering Within Twitter: @VolunteeringWi1 MyOrgs: Volunteering Within