Master Introduction Computer Science Joint UvA-VU Degree Andrew S Master Introduction Computer Science Joint UvA-VU Degree Andrew S. Tanenbaum Master on PDCS Prof. Wan Fokkink program director Masters CS and PDCS
Welcome to Amsterdam! As a Computer Science student you are offered the best of two universities within a single Master program. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept. of Computer Science University of Amsterdam, Informatics Institute You will take courses by lecturers from both universities, at both locations (VU campus and Science Park East).
COMPUTER SCIENCE JOINT DEGREE Joint degree: one diploma issued by both universities Larger selection of courses More research opportunities for graduation projects and world-class researchers at your finger tips More of everything… But you’ll need to travel between two campuses and cope with two different administrative systems
FACT SHEET 2 years program 120 ECTS credits taught in English international student population excellent job prospectives in industry (in NL and abroad) stepping stone for a career in industry or academia
GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE CURRICULUM Structure of the academic year: 8-8-4-8-8-4 weeks Schedule at: (UvA) Study guide at: Courses are 6 ECTS, per year 60 ECTS You’re supposed to study 40 hours per week
computer science Six different tracks Master core (for all tracks) 5 compulsory courses per track constrained choices programming software engineering foundations mathematics free choices (some courses are pre-approved)
Literature Study and Seminar Master Project (30 ECTS) MASTER CORE A course on the social context of computer science: History of Digital Cultures on history of computing ICT for Development on ICT in developing countries ICT4D in the Field, an ICT project in a rural community E-commerce Law on legal issues for on-line business Entrepreneurship in AI and CS on starting a company Literature Study and Seminar Master Project (30 ECTS)
INTERNET AND WEB TECHNOLOGY Focus: Technology for Internet and Web Compulsory courses: Internet Programming Distributed Systems Distributed Algorithms Web Services and Cloud-based Systems Performance of Networked Systems
COMPUTER SYSTEMS SECURITY Focus: Security of computer networks from a system’s point of view Compulsory courses: Secure Software Computer and Network Security Binary and Malware Analysis Kernel Programming Distributed Algorithms
PARALLEL COMPUTING SYSTEMS Focus: Large-scale parallel computing (clusters, grids, clouds, mainframes) Compulsory courses: Parallel System Architectures Programming Large-scale Parallel Systems Parallel Programming Practical Programming Multi-core and Many-core Systems Performance Engineering
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND GREEN IT Focus: mastering complex software systems for a sustainable digital society Compulsory courses: Green Lab Service Oriented Design Software Asset Management Software Architecture Software Testing
BIG DATA ENGINEERING Focus: How to cope with the enormous amounts of data on e.g. the Internet and social media and in companies Compulsory courses: Information Visualization Data Mining Techniques Web Services and Cloud-based Systems Web Data Processing Systems Large Scale Data Engineering
FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTING AND CONCURRENCY Focus: Apply formal methods in computing and concurrency Compulsory courses: Distributed Algorithms Protocol Validation Logical Verification Advanced Logic Term Rewriting Systems
CONSTRAINED CHOICE Ensuring breadth of each individual study program Constrained choice modules (12-18 ECTS): * one course on programming * one course on software engineering * one course on foundations * one course on mathematics Each to be chosen from a predefined set of choices Partially covered by the chosen track's core
FREE CHOICE Free choice (30-36 ECTS): Courses from other tracks and other courses from constrained courses are pre-approved Any course from a pre-approved list of suggestions Other courses (at Master-level) from Computer Science, Computational Science, Articial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Logic, … (to be approved by the exam committee)
YOU CAN TAILOR YOUR STUDY PROGRAM Want to go to industry ? Do your graduation project as an internship with a company (or do an Industrial Internship for 6 ECTS) Want to go for a PhD / more ambitious research project ? Combine literature study, individual project, graduation project for an ambitious scientic research project of up to 42 ECTS Do you want to develop your own study program ? Devise your own free Master program and get it approved by the exam committee
ADMISSION Entry dates: September 1 & February 1 For university students: * BSc degree in Computer Science or Informatica (or closely related subject) * other degrees: individual assessment For HBO students: * BSc degree in Informatica (or closely related subject) * average grade at least 7.0 * Individual premaster (typically 30 ECTS) from our BSc Computer Science program to resolve deficiencies
PDCS MASTER Andrew S. Tanenbaum Master on Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER SYSTEMS top Master program selective admission one of the most positively evaluated Master programs in The Netherlands research oriented practical orientation (labs, projects) focused on systems operating systems, networks, distributed systems multiprocessors, clusters, Internet, clouds parallel algorithms / languages / systems
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER SYSTEMS Compulsory courses: Distributed Systems Computer and Network Security Secure Software Parallel Systems Architecture Programming Large-scale Parallel Systems Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems Research Proposal Writing Master Project
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER SYSTEMS Two special optional courses: Selected Topics in PDCS (6 ECTS) PDCS Programming Project (12 ECTS)
Master program coordinators PDCS: Prof. Alex Iosup CS: BDE: Dr. Adam Belloum CSS: Prof. Herbert Bos FCC: Dr. Femke van Raamsdonk IWT: Dr. Jacopo Urbani PCS: Dr. Jacopo Urbani SEG: Prof. Patricia Lago
10 GOOD REASONS TO JOIN OUR MASTER PROGRAM two top universities for the price of one learn from world-renowned scientists staff dedicated to teaching wide choice of courses good teacher/student ratio high-quality supervision of Master projects high satisfaction rate of alumni state-of-the-art facilities international environment at home excellent job market for graduates (academia or industry)
ALUMNUS CHRISTIAN ROSSOW “The VU is an excellent learning environment with international multi-cultural flair. Driven by my interests, I followed the Computer Science Master studies at the VU and was never disappointed in my choice throughout the two years. I particularly liked the flexible study program, which allows you to choose theoretical and practical subjects from a wide study catalog. And whatever course I took, I was satisfied with a high quality of teaching. To me the studies at VU were a perfect preparation for my current PhD career."
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