Quality reviews in Statistics Norway Kamilla Austnes Statistics Norway Nordic meeting, Faroe Islands September 2014
Agenda Framework/purpose Improvement areas Follow up - status Self-assessment questionnaire Focus group Plan for improvements Advisory committee Challenges
Framework/purpose Guidelines for European Statistics, Code of Practice (COP) European Statistical System – Quality Assurance System (2011) In 2011 and 2012, several statistics were reviewed in Statistics Norway ITSS, reviewed in March/April 2011 ITGS, reviewed in May/June 2013
Improvement areas - Statistics Norway in general
Follow-up, status - Statistics Norway in general 120 of 140 planned improvements completed per March 2014 (total Statistics Norway) Updated and improved documentation Improved dissemination Improved routines for productions (Proposed shut down or reduced statistics)
Self-assessment questionnaire
Focus group - receive feedback from the users Identify and contact possible participants Implement a focus group meeting mid June 2013 Video-taped meeting, to provide documentation of feedback/response
Plan for improvements - suggested improvements, ITGS Introduce an advisory committee Better illustrate edited data Emphasize tendency More analysis - «in debt» articles Mirror statistics Collecting data outside the TVINN system, formal agreement
Advisory committee - keep in touch with the users of ITGS/ITSS Identify and contact possible participants Appoint members of the committee Important subscribers to our statistics Representatives from government offices Representatives from Norwegian industry and commerce First meeting mid October 2014 Improve the dialogue with the users
Challenges, the road ahead - Have quality evaluation of ITGS and ITSS resulted in improvements? Focus on quality (accuracy, regularity and timeliness) Follow up the list of improvements Continue and follow up feedback from the Advisory committee Improved dialogue with the users
Kamilla Austnes, kau@ssb.no Statistics Norway Thank you - questions? Kamilla Austnes, kau@ssb.no Statistics Norway