Australia’s History In A Nut Shell…
Where do most Australians live? WHY? Review Physical Features: Where do most Australians live? WHY?
Who Colonized Australia? Well… What Language Do They Speak in Australia? ENGLISH So Who Colonized Them? Then What Would Their Major Religion Be?
Captain James Cook In 1770, English Captain James Cook claimed Australia for England.
What Was Australia Used For?? From 1788 to 1823, the colony of New South Wales was officially used as a penal colony. PENAL = JAIL
Wait… Who Was There First? The Aborigines Indigenous People of Australia
The Aborigines Aborigines= “The people who were here from the beginning” Traveled from Asia. They have occupied Australia for at least the last 40,000 years. Nomadic= move from place to place Polytheistic, very strong connection to the land.
As Usual… When the Europeans arrived, the majority of Aborigines were killed from diseases that the settlers unknowingly brought with them. The Aborigines did not have access to firepower and could not win.
ULURU = Ayers Rock Aborigines Name