City of Ventura Green Building Standards Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager 1/17/2019
Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager Program Summary Council Request for Research and Recommendation (2003) Staff Research (2003-2005) Stakeholder Input (2005) City Council Adopts Resolution (2005) Green Building Program Implementation (2006) Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager Stakeholders American Institute of Architects Chapter Building Industry Association Chamber of Commerce Green Building Council of Ventura County Representatives from each City Department Ventura County Contractors Association Other Non-Profit Groups Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Mandatory or Voluntary ? Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
How Are Standards Applied? Private Commercial – Voluntary Private Residential - Voluntary City Projects - Mandatory Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager City’s Commitment New Projects of 5,000 Square Feet or More Compliance is Mandatory Certification is Optional Capitol Improvement Plan Financial Analysis Incorporation Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager Standards Selected Commercial Buildings United States Green Building Council: Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design for New Construction (LEED-NC) Residential Developments (4 dwellings or more) Building Industry Institute: California Green Builder Program Residential Projects (1-3 dwellings) Local Version of Built Green Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Objectives Encourage small-scale green building practices Processes are easily read, understood, and followed Minimize permit costs (time and $) Short and long term benefits outweigh all costs Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Process (Before Applying for Permit) Consultation/research of successful regional practices Green practices are selected from a comprehensive and weighted list of options The list is accompanied by an executed agreement to incorporate the practices Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Process (Applying for Permit) Counter staff confirms: Point sub-totals and totals on the weighted list Agreement has been signed Both of these documents are reproduced on the 1st sheet of the construction plans Plans are marked “Green Project” and routed directly to the next available plan checker Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Process (During Construction) Counter staff offers a City Green Building Program sign to the applicant when the permit is issued City Inspector confirms compliance with selected practices Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Process (Completion of Construction) City Inspector advises the office that the project is complete, triggering: Collection of the City Green Building Program sign Complimentary press release promoting the project Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Lessons Learned High Initial Interest Moderate Initial Research Low Voluntary Compliance (when compared to over-all permit volume) Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects 1-3 Dwellings Max Discussion and feedback Design Professionals Contractors Property Owners Others Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Objectives Adopt meaningful standards Utilize proven regulatory systems and models Production home industry buy-in Ease in enforcement Keep permit costs at a minimum Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Process (During Planning Approvals) Developer incorporates “California Green Builder” practices Certified, 3rd Party, Green Building professional submits letter of certification Planning expedites discretionary processes and advises Committees, Commission, and Council of the green commitment Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Process (Building Permit Application) Developer reproduces the green building professional’s certification on first sheet of plans for each dwelling Permit counter marks plans “Green Project” and expedites plan check Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Process (During Construction 1 of 2) Developer utilizes certified special inspectors to confirm compliance Compliance reports are forwarded to City Inspector and made part of the project record Final “California Green Builder” letter of certification is issues by 3rd party green building professional Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Process (During Construction 2 of 2) City Inspector advises the office that the project is complete, triggering: Collection of the City Green Building Program sign Complimentary press release promoting the project Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Lessons learned Little or no interest from Developers Difficult to obtain program contacts and information Was politically effective in attaining industry support of 2005 Resolution Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Residential Projects of 4 or more Dwellings Discussion and feedback Contractors Property Owners/Managers Others Design Professionals Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Objectives Select well supported and proven standards Lead by example Minimize impacts on permit costs Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Process (Design and Planning Approvals) Applicant consults with LEED certified professional and determines LEED compliance path LEED certified professional submits letter of certification Planning expedites discretionary processes and advises Committees, Commission, and Council of the green commitment Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Process (Permit Application and Plan Check) Developer reproduces the LEED professional’s certification on first sheet of plans for each dwelling LEED Professional re-certifies compliance with each resubmittal during plan check. Permit counter marks plans “Green Project” and expedites plan check Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Process (During Construction 1 of 2) Developer utilizes LEED certified professional to confirm compliance Compliance reports are forwarded to City Inspector and made part of the project record Final letter of compliance with LEED construction practices is issued by LEED professional Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Process (During Construction 2 of 2) City Inspector advises the office that the project is complete, triggering: Collection of the City Green Building Program sign Complimentary press release promoting the project Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Lessons learned Moderate interest during design Overall project time, $, and familiarity often suppress commitment to green practices LEED construction standards (not certification) may be too big of a commitment for small- moderate business facility improvements Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Commercial Building Projects Discussion and feedback Property Owners/Managers Others Design Professionals Contractors Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Some Current City Green Practices Commissioning City buildings and HVA/C Systems Environmentally Friendly Pesticides Photovoltaic Energy Systems Direct Digital Controls and Energy Efficient HVA/C Systems Recycled Content and Environmentally Friendly Products Energy Efficient Lighting, Roofing, Window Systems Co-Generation Energy Systems Daytime Janitorial Services at Police/Fire Headquarters Water Conservation Plumbing Fixtures Stormwater Quality Best Management Practices Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager
Comments and Questions Andrew Stuffler, Building & Safety Manager