The Solar System By Sole Webb By Sole’ Webb
The Solar System Earth The nine planets are .
The Inner Planets Mercury Mars Venus Earth Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is named after the Roman god of beauty. Earth is the only planet that is known as the geographic planet. The Inner Planets Mercury Mars Venus Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It circles the sun the fastest. Mars is the only planet that can be seen from Earth. Earth
The Outer Planets Neptune is the distant planet from the sun. Saturn has a rocky core and isn’t a peaceful planet. Jupiter Neptune Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter has a strong magnetic field. Uranus Uranus has an atmosphere mostly made of hydrogen. Saturn
Earth Another name for Earth is terro. Earth is the densest planet in our solar system. Earth is the only planet that isn’t named after a god. Earth is called the blue planet because the oceans combine with our atmosphere. Earth is our home . It is the only planet with harbor life. It is also the third closest planet to the sun. Earth has about 71% of surface water and 29% of land.
Earth’s Surface Features About a fifth of Earth’s atmosphere is oxygen. Earth’s surface is 80% volcanic. Earth’s lithosphere is divided into rigid segments. Earth is called the blue planet because the oceans combine with our atmosphere. Earth’s largest land mass is Asia and Europe.
Mars Mars Mars’s ice caps are made of water, dry ice, and carbon dioxide. March is named after Mars. Mars is named after the Roman God of War. Mars has the largest volcanoes in the solar system. Mars Mars is called the red planet because it has iron oxide on it’s surface and it appears to be rusty. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.
Mars surface features The entire surface can be scoured by one sand storm. Mar’s surface is dry and has barren wasteland marks of old volcanoes. Mar’s canyons are five times longer than the Grand Canyon. Mar’s temperature is colder than you will expect it. Mar’s is the only planet that can be directly observed. Mar’s red spot is 28% of earth’s.
Curiosity The name Curiosity was given by a sixth grader. The rover can travel between 3 to 12 miles. Curiosity was found in 2012. It successfully landed on Aeolis Palo. Curiosity was made for searching ingredients for life. The rover weighs 2,000 pounds on Earth. Curiosity landed on Mars at 13,200 mph.
Earth and Mars similarities They have the same amount of land surface. They both rotate at the same time. They both have weak magnetic fields. Mars and Earth both have larger polar caps. They both have oxygen. They both spin slowly on their axis. They have the same amount of land surface.
Mars and Earth differences Mars doesn’t have an atmosphere but Earth does. Earth has one moon and Mars has two moons. Earth is bigger than Mars. Mars doesn’t have life on it but Earth does. The difference between Mars and Earth is that Mars only has a 10% mass.
Conclusion The solar system explains how each planet rotates around the sun. The solar system gives us an inside view of what is going on out in space. The solar system gives us information about each planet’s atmosphere. The solar system tells us about the possibility of life on other planets.
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