SUBSTITUTION 6th Grade Unit 3 Ancient Greece and Rome Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: How did the government of the Roman Republic influence the development of democracy? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will view the terms for Unit 3. Steps: Go to the following Quizlet link: Click on the Flashcards button and read the vocabulary terms and definitions. 3. Jot down your vocabulary and definitions on a sheet of paper to share out with the whole group. 4. Be ready to share your answers in a whole group discussion. Featured Source: Greece/Rome Type of Governments Vocabulary Quizlet Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Ria Armentor School: Ray D. Molo Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You do not have to have a Quizlet account for your students to access the link, but you will need to provide the link to them. Assessment: Formative assessment within while students are participating in the Quizlet
AUGMENTATION 6th Grade Unit 3 Formative Performance Task 2 Topic Question: How did the government of the Roman Republic influence the development of democracy? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will play the Roman Republic and Democracy Quizizz to answer questions about both Greece and Roman governments. Featured Source: Roman Republic and Democracy Quizizz Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with Internet access Steps: Log into the computer and go to Chrome. Go to the website: Enter the code 710126. Answer the questions to the quiz. Be prepared to discuss the Greek and Roman governments after everyone has completed the Quizizz. Teacher Name: Ria Armentor School: Ray D. Molo Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need to create a Quizizz account and add the quiz at You will have a different code for your class Assessment: Formative assessment through Quizizz questions
MODIFICATION 6th Grade/Unit 3 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic Question: How did the government of the Roman Republic influence the development of democracy? Description of Summative Performance Task: Each group will answer the question they are assigned to in Padlet. Featured Source: Ancient Greece and Rome Instructional Task Padlet Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Steps: Go to the following link Read the question your group is assigned. Brainstorm with your members to come up with the best answer. Refer to the rubric provided. Click on the + sign and respond to the question. *Be sure to put your nickname and not your first and last name! Copy your question and answer on a sheet of paper. Be ready to share your answers in a whole group discussion. Teacher Name: Ria Armentor School: Ray D. Molo Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need to create a Padlet account and remake the Padlet found at this link for each of your classes.. Make sure students can get into the Padlet using the QR code or your link attached to your account. Assessment: Can be a Summative Assessment if the teacher provides a rubric and scores when reading the posts.
REDEFINITION 6th Grade/Unit 3 Summative Performance Task 1 REDEFINITION Topic Question: How did the government of the Roman Republic influence the development of democracy? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will critique the Padlet responses from another class. Steps: Go to the following link View another classes’ answers in Padlet. On a sheet of paper, critique one person from another class. For example: Is it the right answer? What could they do to make it better? Did they use complete sentences? Make sure to write down that person’s nickname on your paper and your response! Go to Click on Blackboard. Click on Login to Blackboard. Type in your username and password (same as the one you use to get on a computer). Click on Molo Middle-Ria Armentor under courses. Click on the Discussion Board tab on the left column. Then click on Task 4. Next, click on Create a thread. Use your nickname for subject. Provide feedback of at least three sentences in the message box. **Make sure you address your response to the nickname you chose to critique! Featured Source: Ancient Greece and Rome Instructional Task Padlet Featured Tech Tools: Blackboard Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Ria Armentor School: Ray D. Molo Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: BB 201 completion is required to have your students to complete. You would need to set up this activity in your Blackboard. You will need to create a Padlet account and remake the Padlet found at this link for each of your classes.. Make sure students can get into the Padlet using the QR code or your link attached to your account Summative assessment – students are peer editing another’s work; Students should be provided a rubric to help them with their response.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Ria Armentor Louisiana Social Studies Standard: 6.5.2: How did the government of the Roman Republic influence the development of democracy? How did the government of the Roman Republic influence the development of democracy? : Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will critique the Padlet responses from another class. Ancient Greece and Rome Instructional Task Padlet Blackboard Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Each group will answer the question they are assigned to in Padlet. You will play the Roman Republic and Democracy Quizizz to answer questions about both Greece and Roman governments. Roman Republic and Democracy Quizizz Laptop, desktop, or iPad with Internet access You will view the terms for Unit 3. . Greece/Rome Type of Governments Vocabulary Quizlet REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.