Teaching & Inquiry I: Fundamentals of Teaching Through Inquiry Todd Twyman 10/2(4)
Read with an Informed Eye Building on your skills, now read research in your focus area with a critical eye. To prepare: Look carefully at the methodology of research articles. Evaluate the degree to which the authors have controlled threats to internal validity. Question everything!
1/17/2019 Critiquing Research Are the problems and their educational importance explained clearly? Does the literature review sufficiently set up a rationale for the need for this study? Are the research variables easily identified from the hypothesis or purpose statement? Share your article critique with a partner. Discuss the following points.
1/17/2019 Critiquing Research What instruments are used in the study? Are they appropriate for the research question and for the participants? Is the research design appropriate to the research question? How does the study control for threats to internal or external validity? Are the conclusions logically related to the questions posed in the research question? Share your article critique with a partner. Discuss the following points.