Tujuan – Materi – Daftar Pustaka – Prosentase Nilai KONTRAK PERKULIAHAN
TUJUAN Memilih DBMS yang tepat untuk sebuah organisasi Menjaga ketersediaan dan keamanan database Management database performance Implementasi backup dan recovery Disaster planning Database Database Connectivity
MATERI DBA Database Environment Database Change Management Database Availability Performance Management Database Security Backup Recovery Disaster Planning Data & Storage Management Database Connectivity
DAFTAR PUSTAKA Mullin, C.S. 2002. Database Administration: The Complete Guide to Practices and Procedures, Addison Wesley. Berzukov, Pablo, 2010, Understanding Database Administration, CreateSpace
PROSENTASE NILAI Jenis Penilaian Bobot UTS 30% UAS Tugas 40%
Database-DBMS-Database Administrator INTRODUCTION
Sekumpulan data yang saling berhubungan DATABASE Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events Structured: numbers, text, dates Unstructured: images, video, documents Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user data Sekumpulan data yang saling berhubungan
RDBMS RDBMS perangkat lunak yang mengatur dan mengorganisasi penyimpanan database kedalam komputer
HOW THE DATA IS ORGANIZED Employees Departments Emp_Id Last_Name First_Name Dept_Id Dept_Id Dept_Name Foreign Key Primary Key
COMPUTER & CAREER OPPORTUNITY Information Worker IT Professional Software Developer
DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR Orang yang memastikan fungsi operasional aplikasi dan database organisasi dapat berjalan secara efisien
MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINE OF DBA Menghadapi masalah Fokus terhadap masalah besar yang dihadapi REACTIVE Menghindari masalah Mengembangkan dan menerapkan Blueprint’ untuk mengaplikasikan database PROACTIVE A good DBA is integral to the entire application development life cycle.
DATA, DATABASE, AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR responsible for understanding the business lexicon and translating it into a logical data model involved more in the requirements gathering, analysis, and design phase DATABASE responsible for using the DBMS Involved in the design, development, testing, and operational phases. will transform the logical data model into an efficient physical database design the conduit for communication between the DA team and the technicians and application programming staff. SYSTEM responsible for DBMS installation, modification, and support ensures that the IT infrastructure is operational for database development by setting up the DBMS appropriately, applying ongoing maintenance from the DBMS vendor, and coordinating migration to new DBMS releases and versions
DATA, DATABASE, AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR IT Infrastructure System Administrator DBA (if no SA) Data and Metadata Policy Data Administrator Database Administrator (if no DA) Analysis Design Development Testing Implementation (database, application) Maintenance & Tuning
DB Secirity & Authorization TASKS OF DBA Database Design transform a logical data model into a physical database implementation database design and implementation will enable a useful database for the applications and clients Performance Monitoring & Tuning optimization of resource usage to increase throughput and minimize contention. DB Availability keeping the DBMS up and running data is available whenever applications and clients require it DB Secirity & Authorization Backup and Recovery The DBA must be prepared to recover data to a usable point, no matter what the cause, and to do so as quickly as possible Data Integrity A database must be designed to store the correct data in the correct way without that data becoming damaged or corrupted DBMS Release Migration keeping the DBMS running and up-to- date is an ongoing effort that will consume many DBA cycles
TASKS OF DBA: DATABASE DESIGN the DBA must understand relational design practices. relational theory and the specific implementation of the relational database management system (RDBMS) conceptual and logical data modeling techniques. The ability to create and interpret entity-relationship diagrams is essential to designing a relational database.