Scholar Meeting September 12, 2017 3 PM – 4 PM SSB 120
Important Info Continue to check your emails and remember to read them Feel free to make an appointment with UROC Staff Keep in contact with your summer mentor, grad students, etc. Refer to the plans you’ve made this summer to reach grad school and beyond.
Important Dates September 15th: KURE Info Session in SE2-302 (11-12pm) JGI Info Sessions in SE2- 302 (12-1pm) Sept. 18 – 20th: Tabling Opportunity 10–2pm (hour increments) September 20th: Undergrad. Research Fall Mixer 4pm – 6 pm in the CA Room (in housing). UROC Poster Presentations. September 29th: UCSF Outreach Visit to UC Merced October 6th: Berkeley Outreach Visit to UC Merced
Application Info UROC-H Open September 15th through October 30th No research experience needed Humanities and humanistic social sciences. KURE Open September 15th through October 30th Research Experience preferred The KURE program is centered on basic and translational kidney research. Info meeting Sept 15 at 11 am in SE2-302 JGI Open October 18th through November 15th Info meeting Sept 15 at 12 pm in SE2-302 Genomics, alternative energy, global carbon cycling, and biogeochemistry
Travel Info UROC scholars are encouraged to apply to conferences to present their summer research (UROC-H & MARC are required) Funding through UROC is not guaranteed, but there are other options Travel Scholarships through the conference ASUCM funding available Mentor/PI sponsorship NOTE: the other options… its not this or that. You can get funding from everywhere and BAM you have a free trip!
Dorothy was invited to present at a conference with her registration waived, and her lodging and meals provided by the conference. Her only concern now is: “How will she get to and from the conference?” Dorothy will need to submit a UROC Travel Request Form.
Dorothy was invited to present at a conference with her registration waived, and her lodging and meals provided by the conference. Her only concern now is: “How will she get to and from the conference?” Dorothy will need to submit a UROC Travel Request Form.
Dorothy was invited to present at a conference with her registration waived, and her lodging and meals provided by the conference. Her only concern now is: “How will she get to and from the conference?” Dorothy will need to submit a UROC Travel Request Form.