A Greeting card is a card (with a picture in front and a message inside) that you send to someone on their birthday or an a special occasion/holiday
A short message is a written piece of information that you send/leave to another person
Dear indah: Meet me in the library after school. I have something to show you. Please be there Sany
GET WELL SOON 1. What kind of text is it? 2. To whom do you send the card?
HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY 1.When do you send the card? 2.Why do you send the card?
To Rehan: I need a pair of sport shoes for the class tomorrow morning. Please return my shoes this evening Ivan 1. Why does the writer send the message? 2. Please return my shoes… The underlined word means?
To Dewi: Please help! I cant do the math homework. Its so difficult. May I come to your house for some help this Sunday morning? Please answer soon Puji 1. Why does the writer send the message? 2. Its so difficult…. the synonym of the underlined word is…
a. What is the text about? b. What the purpose of this text?