Chatfield Senior High Department of Physics Apparent Motion of Sun Chatfield Senior High Department of Physics
The “ancients” (Constellation Names)
Constellation Map Jan 2012
Reason for the Seasons 23 ½ o Tilt of the Earth
Sun’s plot for a particular latitude
Sun’s Apparent Motion
The Ecliptic
Sunrise and Sunset for 35o N latitude
Variation of Length of Day
Comet (Hale-Bopp)(1997)
Comet Hale Bopp (1997)
Voyager I & II (1979)
Jupiter (1979)
Saturn (1980)
Uranus (1986)
Neptune (1989)
Viking (Venus) (1973)
Why Mars? It is similar to size and shape of the Earth It has water and therefore (possibly micro-organisms) It is relatively temperate 10 o C on the equator
Mars or Utah? (1)
Mars or Utah? (2)
Mars or Utah? (3)
Mars or Utah? (4)
Mars or Utah? (5)
Mercury or the Moon?
Mercury or the Moon?
Mercury or the Moon?
How difficult is it to get to Mars? Answer: Very….Hohmann transfer… Transfer time: 6-8 months
Hohman transfer?
Mars Pathfinder (1998)
Mars Spirit and Opportunity (2004-current)
Mars Spirit and Opportunity Spirit landed in Gusev Crater (thought to be an ancient lakebed) and headed for Columbia Hills Opportunity landed in Endurance Crater and experienced rock layering and blueberries Manned mission in 2027?