The Descent into War Germany and its Rise 1933 - 1939
1933 30th January – Chancellor Hitler 5th March – Nazi Government Hitler becomes the Chancellor of the German Parliament, giving him control over election dates and enormous influence on law making. 5th March – Nazi Government Nazi Party takes control over the German Parliament, having formed a coalition government with the nationalist DNVP Party. 14th July – One Party State By the 14th of July, all other political parties had been banned, and no new parties were allowed to be formed. The Nazi Party was the only political party in existence.
1934 June 30th – Night of the Long Knives Hitler orders the SS (the Nazi’s army) to eradicate members of the socialist SA, who had previously supported the Nazis. This solidified the SS as the henchmen of the Nazi Government.
1935 March 1st Saar Region repatriated September 15th Nuremburg Laws Region taken from Germany in the Treaty of Versailles is restored to being German. September 15th Nuremburg Laws New laws are announced which will strip Jews of their German citizenship and force them to forfeit their rights, business’ and assets as a result.
1936 March 7th – Rhineland Remilitarized Breaks the agreement under Treaty of Versailles to keep this region free from military forces August 1st – 16th Berlin Olympics Hitler used the Olympics to promote Germany. His racial theories were mocked when Jesse Owens, an African-American athlete, won 4 gold medals in track and field events.
1937 Germany continues to build its military in contradiction to the Treaty of Versailles.
1938 March 12th Anschluss October 10th Sudetenland Austria was annexed and incorporated into Germany. This contravened the Treaty of Versailles. October 10th Sudetenland The north-western part of Czechoslovakia becomes part of Germany after a bloodless takeover by the German military. Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister declared the following after negotiating with Hitler over the Sudetenland; “My good friends, for the second time in our history a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.”
1939 March 14th Remainder of Czechoslovakia The rest of Czechoslovakia is taken over by the German army, consolidating a large portion of Europe under the German Flag. August 23rd Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Agreement is reached between USSR and Germany to divide Eastern Europe between them and maintain peace in the event of either invading. September 1st Germany invades Poland German troops sweep across the Polish border from the west. September 3rd War declared by France and UK
The Changes in Europe - 1919
The Changes in Europe - 1939