Bridging the Common Core Standards and Gifted Education: Instructional Resources Project NAGC - November 2013 Presenters Caroline C. Eidson and Sneha Shah-Coltrane NC Department of Public Instruction Materials on: www.ncaigirp. ncdpi.
OUR CHALLENGE How can we support teachers with the implementation of new standards?
Lessons are being posted on NCDPI AIG~IRP Wiki Lessons are being posted on NCDPI AIG~IRP Wiki. By end of process, over 600 lessons. Will eventually be in NC’s Learner Management System, Homebase. K-12 resources in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies. AIG ~ IRP Instructional Resources Project to support AIG learners Resources developed by NC teachers with expertise from Content and AIG specialists.
Why is the AIG~IRP Project important? Constant Focus on AIG AIG: All Day, Every Day Intentional and Meaningful Resources, Lessons Connection between SCOS and best practices in gifted education
AIG~IRP Resource Exploration and Revision TECHNICAL LENS: Is the resource replicable? Could another teacher pick it up and teach with it? Usable it as is? CONTENT LENS: Does the lesson address the stated standards? Is it focused on the primary standards? Does it reflect the content effectively? GIFTED LENS: Does the lesson meet the needs of gifted learners? Does it provide sufficient challenge? Does it incorporate effective gifted instructional practices?
Explore Sample Post-Revise AIG~IRP Resource Discuss with table group. Prepare to share. Explore Sample Post-Revise AIG~IRP Resource
Everyone has to have a first lesson! Teacher Observations Everyone has to have a first lesson! Hard to receive feedback; but it is critical and helped me to learn so much. It pushed me to think deeper and go out of my comfort zone. Revisions became deeper and more meaningful overtime. You get better throughout the process.
What works for AIG: Lessons Learned Open-Ended Tasks and Questions that include clearly-defined expectations High-Level Questions that require evaluation, synthesis and application and steer clear of recall and restatement Connections to real-world problems and issues that are clear and authentic
What works for AIG: Lessons Learned Integration of technology in authentic and challenging ways Creative applications that add depth, not fluff Variety in subject matter, process, and product
What works for AIG: Lessons Learned Work with following strategies/techniques: Concept-based teaching Concept development Curriculum Compacting Higher-Level Questioning Independent Projects Problem-based Learning Seminars – Paideia and Socratic Tiered assignments
Content Area Suggestions for Teachers of AIG Learners ELA and Literacy Understand text complexity and choose texts that are complex and meaningful. Extend the standard by going deeper into that particular standard, integrating another standard, adding a companion text, or looking toward the next grade level. Know the standards and the 3 shifts to ensure rigor in lessons and effective instruction. Focus on differentiating process and product while still maintaining focus on standards.
Content Area Suggestions for Teachers of AIG Learners Mathematics Know and understand the 3 shifts (Focus, Coherence, and Rigor) and the mathematical practices. Understand the impact on instruction. Develop high-leverage tasks with multiple entry points where complexity of math can extend knowledge. Integrate real-world problems and issues that promote complexity and application of mathematics. Create a personal connection for students with advanced mathematics and numbers.
Content Area Suggestions for Teachers of AIG Learners Science Keep Science the focus. Even when you integrate other standards, keep science clear and meaningful. Know, understand and facilitate learning of advanced and strong content. Pose in-depth questions that are sophisticated and not focused on fact recall. Foster student curiosity and develop student passions.
Content Area Suggestions for Teachers of AIG Learners Social Studies Keep Social Studies the focus. Even when you integrate other standards, keep social studies clear and meaningful. Use multiple sources to vary perspectives and add complexity to learning. Develop projects that focus on concept development and critical topics related to standards. Integrate real-world issues and problems to make learning authentic and meaningful.
Tips for Implementation TECHNICAL LENS Ensure that teachers understand the parts of the template and what should be included in each (Engage, Elaborate, Evaluate) Set a reasonable timeline that moves the project forward but is doable; work through PLCs and other collaborative groups Establish an accessible method for collecting and revising resources. Organize storing and revision process. Develop consistent naming folders and files and create separate folders for each subject area Plan to “meet” occasionally with resource developers to assess progress and make needed “tweaks” to process
Tips for Implementation CONTENT LENS Ensure teachers understand the new SCOS and content updates. Ensure teachers remember strategies for gifted education. Provide revisions to resources from both content area and AIG specialists. Partner with regular education and other content areas. Remind resource developers that it won’t work to try to “retro-fit” past lessons to the new standards. In most cases, they will need to begin anew. On-going process of development, sharing and implementing.
A Next Step for NC… “Booster” Sessions: DI Basics Questioning Tiering Compacting Seminars Using Concepts in Instruction Independent Studies and Contracts
OUR VISION To help teachers meet the needs of AIG learners by… Connecting AIG SCOS Developing intentional and meaningful resources for the classroom Focusing on AIG: All Day, Every Day
AIG: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY! DPI AIG~IRP WIKI Sneha Shah-Coltrane DPI Director, Gifted Education and Advanced Programs 919-807-3849