Solutions oriented outcomes
SOLUTIONS GRA NAMES/ACCOUNTS Letter submitted by Linda Heffernan, which was given to her by Rachael Crookston, as a time saving process for getting names and accounts of GRA’s. (Letter was included as attachment for meeting announcement and can be found on CBS website in Business Officer Meeting resources.)
#2.) Why was the purchase made? #3.) Who benefits from the purchase? SOLUTIONS On the Pcard Purchasing Log/Use Form add three questions (to save time by not needing to track down individuals for the information). #1.) What was purchased? #2.) Why was the purchase made? #3.) Who benefits from the purchase? Pcard Time Saver Adding three questions in description area for Pcard purchase/log use form. Shared by a Business Manager as well as Lynda and Adriana in newsletter.
SOLUTIONS In the event their expert for specific business transactions is unavailable, they use documented procedures in Box so that a backup person can process transactions in the expert’s absence. All transactions are tracked in a spreadsheet which is maintained in Box so that anyone can see where the transaction is in the process. Submitted by fellow Business Manager as an example of a lean process they use. EDOC# CARDHOLDER VENDOR AMOUNT SCAN/ MAIL TO YAVAPAIPRES DATE ORIG RC'D BY PRESCOTT DATE SENT TO LISA DATE SENT TO FSO NOTES 5579300 Braun Safeway $15.00 11/23/2016 11/28/2016 11/29/2016 12/22/16 5634425 Circle K $36.30 12/14/2016 12/19/2016
SOLUTIONS DCC process was once halted when Department did not complete process in the proper order. The process is complicated, and not easy to remember as it is only performed a few times a year. To prevent future problems, they created a checklist for each DCC. It is used to check off steps, and note dates and transaction numbers for each step of the process. ***The MSWord document that this colleague created can be found on the CBS Website in the February Business Officer Meeting resources. business-officers-meeting Submitted by fellow Business Manager as an example of a lean process they use.
SUGGESTED IDEAS Invite international faculty and scholars to come to our meeting and respond to questions we have about visiting scholars and students. DCC researchers have to fill out a form for the IRS even if they do not earn money. Would like to learn what they say in their orientation with scholars to learn how to be more informative. Idea submitted by Linda Heffernan.
SUGGESTED IDEAS Have a dedicated person at the college level to produce agents for Business Managers/Officers on ACA and under- enrollment and no time reported. Some of us have some of these now and it might be helpful to share. Idea submitted by Linda Heffernan.
#1.) RESPONSE TIMES FROM CENTRAL HR ISSUES TO ADDRESS #1.) RESPONSE TIMES FROM CENTRAL HR Has this been problematic for many of you? Examples? Solutions or ideas for solutions? #2.) UNNECESSARY FORMS AT THE INSTITUTION LEVEL Example ~ Travel Authorizations. Other examples? A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#’s 1 and 2 of 10)
#3.) DIFFICULT TO CORRECT TRANSACTIONS IN FINANCE AND EMPLOYEE SYSTEMS ISSUES TO ADDRESS #3.) DIFFICULT TO CORRECT TRANSACTIONS IN FINANCE AND EMPLOYEE SYSTEMS Examples? Solutions or ideas for solutions? A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#3 of 10)
#4.) OBJECT CODE USE & DEFINITIONS ISSUES TO ADDRESS #4.) OBJECT CODE USE & DEFINITIONS Asking same question of different people results in different answers, no consistency in FSO responses. Solutions or ideas for solutions? #5.) LACK OF TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR OFF-CAMPUS STAFF Is it possible to add more business procedure training webinars? A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#’s 4 and 5 of 10)
#6.) FSO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT EXTENSION DOES ISSUES TO ADDRESS #6.) FSO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT EXTENSION DOES Spend a lot of time trying to explain our mission/programs to justify expenses. Anyone other than extension units have similar challenge with FSO? Solutions or ideas for solutions? A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#6 of 10)
#7.) DCC PROCESS ISSUES TO ADDRESS The process is arduous for volunteers and takes up a lot of admin time. Why does a UA volunteer require an address? Can they use their personal email address? Solutions or ideas for solutions? A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#7 of 10)
#8.) UTILIZING UA BOX TO MANAGE MONTHLY FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ISSUES TO ADDRESS #8.) UTILIZING UA BOX TO MANAGE MONTHLY FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Unsure where to start. Would like to see examples of how other Departments have made this work for them. Anyone willing to share? #9.) VEHICLE RECORDS Would like to see examples of how other Departments keep track of vehicle usage. A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#’s 8 and 9 of 10)
#10.) PCARD ISSUES TO ADDRESS Employees do not like to check out the department Pcard. A suggestion was made that all employees get their own cards. Is it easier to keep track of a check out card or individual cards for each employee? Would be interested in hearing the pros and cons for each. Suggestions or comments? A few requests came in for issues that require solutions. (#10 of 10)
The End