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It’s MONDAY! October 29, 2018 Final presenters of paragraph sentences. Homework: test tomorrow and bring your text book, pencil, highlighter, blue/black pen, and paper! Final presenters of paragraph sentences. Have you been paying attention? If you should have to write a paragraph, I will expect all of the sentences to be improved. Also, because we have been reviewing the paragraph for so long, you will be able to write a paragraph within a 30 minute time period.
Sharing Writing ‘I’ of ICE (introducing the quote) Read aloud sentence(s) after topic sentence and BEFORE the C-cited evidence ‘I’ provides background/context for the upcoming evidence
After you introduce and cite the quote, you still need to explain the quote. ‘E’ Do NOT repeat or translate the evidence—readers can read it. “The sky is blue”( 2). This shows the sky was a blue color that day. Provide analysis that connects the quote to your main idea and topic sentence Show the connection between your evidence and your topic sentence/main idea/thesis
Sharing Writing ‘E’ of ICE (explaining the quote) Read aloud Cited evidence and 1st sentence AFTER the C-cited evidence
Sharing Writing CM follows ICE (CM) (commentary/matter why does the evidence matter?) Why is this evidence significant? You are starting to become more general. Read aloud 1st sentence AFTER the C- cited evidence (E-explain)and your CM sentence.
Last Chance…Has anyone not shared? 1. If I did not check your MLA notes & 8 ways to start a sentence from the paragraph and “Phaethon” on Friday, I will be checking tomorrow during the test. 2. Clear your desks 3. Open computers or your device with BYOD sticker out concentrate—pay attention to the questions!