Converting Fractions to Decimals By, Mrs. Muller
Key Words Rational Number: a number that can be written as the quotient (fraction) a/b of two integers where b is not 0. Example: 7/1=7 Terminating Decimal: when the division results in a decimal that stops. Example: ¾=.75 Repeating Decimal: when the division results in a decimal with a digit or group of digits that repeat forever. Example: 1/3=0.3333…=0.3
Example of Solving for a Terminating Decimal 1st turn it into a division problem and then divide. Side note 4: 40 goes into 250 6 times Without going over. 6 times 40 is 240, Subtract it from 250 and you get 10. Side note 1: remember that Humpty Dumpty (25) sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, now Humpty Dumpty is in the coffin dead, and all his friends came to visit by the coffin. Side note 5: add another 0 after25.0 to Make it 25.00 and drop that 0 next to The 10 to make it 100. Side note 6: 40 goes into 100 2 times Without going over. 2 times 40 is 80, Subtract it from 100 and you get 20. Side note 7: add another 0 after 25.00 To make it 25.000 and drop that 0 Next to the 20 to make it 200. Side note 2: 40 does not fit into 25 So the answer is 0 Side note 8: 5 goes into 200 5 times Without going over. 5 times 40 is 200. Subtract it from 200 and you get 0 so You are done and your answer is 0.625 Side note 3: add a decimal after the 25 And then have it jump over the bar. Then Add a 0 after the 25.
What to do when you notice the decimal is repeating Lets say you noticed that when you divided 3 into 1 from the fraction 1/3, that the decimal kept repeating, you also noticed that no matter what it would go on and on like this forever…. What should you do? In this case you put a bar over the part or pattern that is repeating forever to indicate that it repeats like that forever.