Parasitism Lab
Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish—5 X
Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish Mold spores being released
Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish More info: The strands of mold, called hyphae, pierce the skin to get food. Molds break down organic material. Molds spread to other fish thru spores that swim and land on other fish.
Set 74—No. 4: Paramecium—920 X Chlorella Substitute picture and estimated magnification Chlorella
Set 74—No. 4: Paramecium—920 X Substitute picture and estimated magnification
Set 74—No. 4: Paramecium More info: Paramecium, like other animals, give off carbon dioxide. Paramecium release it thru the cell membrane.
Set 74—No. 5: Flea—7 X Mouth parts
Set 74—No. 5: Flea More info: Fleas have power full legs and can jump 13 inches. The human equivalent of a flea jump is 400 yards (1200 feet).
Set 74—No. 8: Viruses on E. coli—60,000 X
Set 74—No. 8: Viruses on E. coli More info: Many alpha viruses are attacking the E. coli bacterium. The line is on the picture is 1 micrometer (or 0.001 mm or 1 x 10-6 m).
Set 75—No. 1: Trichina worms—65 X
Set 75—No. 1: Trichina worms More info: The muscle tissues shown here were infected after the worm burrowed into them. T = the worm (curled up) Y and X = cysts (or sacks) surrounding the worm
Set 75—No. 5: Malaria Parasite— 340 X
Set 75—No. 5: Malaria Parasite Larval stage or wigglers must live in water (non-”biting” stage)
Set 75—No. 5: Malaria Parasite More info: Plasmodium is a protozoan. O = oocyst (or egg) that has thousands of the parasites in it. Red blood cells are destroyed as the parasites divide in them.
Set 75—No. 6: Tapeworm—65 X
Set 75—No. 6: Tapeworm Tapeworms can be more than the width (left to right) of this 50 ft wide property
Set 75—No. 6: Tapeworm More info: The head attaches to the intestines and the rest hangs freely, soaking up nutrients. H = hooks S = suckers Eggs are in the proglottids (segments) that fall off and pass out of the body.
The End: pun intended.