ZERO EMISSIONS BUILDING PLAN IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE UDI Breakfast – Low Carbon Energy Systems January 31, 2018 Sean Pander, Green Building Program Manager Sustainability Group, City of Vancouver
GREEN BUILDINGS POLICY FOR REZONINGS Update 29 applications received from May to Dec: 20% of all applications are Passive House Of remaining outside NEU areas: almost all applications use natural gas most use natural gas for DHW or peak heating 90% residential projects, of those: 38% low-rise or townhomes 62% high-rise 1) 13+ other jurisdictions adopting step code in some form 2) Richmond, Burnaby considering Step 3 City-wide 2
LOW-RISE RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATES Energy Efficiency updates to low-rise pure residential come into effect March 1, 2018 Information Sessions: Feb 20 – 8-9:30am, Citylab (511 W Broadway) Mar 13 – 8-9:30am, Citylab (511 W Broadway) 3
PROPOSED HIGH-RISE CODE UPDATES Proposed energy efficiency updates to code: High-rise residential – Step 3 (or 2) Office, retail, hotel – Step 2 Proposed changes to rezoning: High-rise residential TEDI 32 30, other updates Information Sessions: NEW - Townhall #3: Feb 6, 9-11am, City Hall 4
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY Supports required innovation APPROVED – NOV 2017 Builds demand and local industry capacity for advanced energy system technologies such as heat pumps These technologies will be required to achieve zero emissions buildings Provides increased flexibility in building design Will help inform the most cost effective balance between efficiency and renewables 5
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY four low carbon system types City-owned Neighbourhood Energy Utility (NEU) Utility-owned On-site or District Low-Carbon Energy System (LCES) User-owned LCES Existing Utility-owned District Energy System 6
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY four low carbon system types City-owned NEU Mandatory connection requirements Real and reliable low carbon outcomes achieved through City control and Council commitment Quickly summarize key points of Zero Emissions Building Plan 7
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY four low carbon system types 2a. Utility-owned On-site LCES (e.g. Marine Gateway heat pump system) design verified to meet GHG limits System purchased and operated by a qualified utility ensures proper construction, commissioning and professional operation Quickly summarize key points of Zero Emissions Building Plan 8
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY four low carbon system types 2b. Utility-owned District Scale LCES (e.g. for a large master planned site) Feasibility study of system design confirms it is capable of meeting development’s GHG limit BCUC approval ensures system is vetted by external parties and provides regulatory oversight Quickly summarize key points of Zero Emissions Building Plan 9
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY four low carbon system types 3. User-owned On-Site LCES (e.g. MC2) Design verified as meeting even higher GHG performance requirements Size of fossil fuel systems limited to meet only peak loads (coldest days) Extended warranties and funded optimization and maintenance contracts ensure system functions as designed Quickly summarize key points of Zero Emissions Building Plan 10
LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEM POLICY four low carbon system types 4. Existing Utility-Owned District Energy Systems (e.g. Creative Energy or River District Energy) Utility commits to low-carbon plant or connection when feasible Utility demonstrates on-going progress towards low-carbon plant or connection Utility commits to providing interim low-carbon energy (e.g. renewable natural gas) Quickly summarize key points of Zero Emissions Building Plan 11