A coral island consisting of a reef surrounding a lagoon Archipelago A group of islands Atoll A coral island consisting of a reef surrounding a lagoon Basin Area drained by a river and its tributaries
Bay Body of water partly surrounded by land; smaller than a gulf Butte A flat-topped rock or hill formation with steep sides-smaller than a mesa Canyon A deep, narrow valley with steep sides often carved by a river
One of a series of steep usually small falls of water Cape A point or extension of land jutting out into water as a projecting point Cascade One of a series of steep usually small falls of water Cataract Steep rapids in a river
cave A large hold in the ground or in the side of a hill or mountain channel Passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water- wider than a strait Cliff A very steep, vertical, or overhanging face of rock, earth, or ice
One of the seven large land masses of the Earth coast The land near the shore continent One of the seven large land masses of the Earth delta Vast accumulation of sediment at the mouth of a river often shaped like a triangle
depression dune estuary An area of land in which the central part is slightly lower in elevation dune A hill or ridge made from sand caused by the wind that changes often estuary An area at which a river flows into the ocean
A narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs fjord A narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs Geyser Hot spring under such high pressure that it shoots water and steam into the air from time to time Glacier Large body of ice formed from a long-lasting accumulation of snow on mountains and in polar regions
Gorge Gulf Highland A narrow, steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon Area of an ocean or sea partly surrounded by land- larger than a bay Highland Large area of mountains or elevated land
Hills Areas with higher elevation than the land around them, usually rounded- not as high as a mountain Ice cap Immense glacier covering much or all of a continent or very large land Ice shelf Large layer of ice attached to land and extending out onto the sea
Inlet Island Isthmus Another name for a bay or gulf An area surrounded by water- smaller than a continent Isthmus Narrow body of land connecting a continent with a peninsula or another cotinent
Lagoon A shallow sound, channel, or pond near a connected larger body of water Lake A considerable inland body of standing water Landform A natural feature of land surface
An elevated mass of land that projects above its surroundings Landmass A large area of land Mesa Land formation with a flat area on top and steep walls usually occurring in dry areas- larger than a butte, smaller than a plateau Mountain An elevated mass of land that projects above its surroundings
oasis Ocean Pass A fertile or green area in an arid region or desert One of the four largest bodies of water on the earth Pass A low place in a mountain range
Peak An elevated formation larger than a hill with a well-defined summit Peninsula Area of land surrounded by water on three sides Plain Broad area of land that is gently rolling or almost flat
A connected line of mountains; vast grassland used for grazing Plateaus Large flat areas of land higher than the surrounding land- larger than mesas and buttes Range A connected line of mountains; vast grassland used for grazing Reef A chain of rocks or coral or a ridge of sand at or near the surface of water
A natural stream of water of usually considerable volume Region Large area of land that is different from the land areas around it by some feature Ridge A range of hills or mountains; an elongated elevation on an ocean bottom River A natural stream of water of usually considerable volume
Sea Shoal Shore One of the divisions of an ocean A ridge or large deposit of sand that makes the water shallow Shore The land bordering an usually large body of water Caribbean Sea
Sound A long broad inlet of the ocean generally parallel to the coast Spring A source of water issuing from the ground Strait Narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water- more narrow than a channel
Summit Trench Tributary The highest place on a mountain, peak A long, narrow, and usually steep sided depression in the ocean floor Tributary Stream(s) feeding into a larger stream, river, or lake
When a river falls off steeply in elevation Valley An elongated depression of Earth’s surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains Volcano A mountain composed wholly or in part of material ejected from a vent in the Earth’s crust Waterfall When a river falls off steeply in elevation