The War of 1812 “aka” The 2nd Fight for Independence 1812-1814 Madison is in office and tensions with Britain are rising quickly
Non-Intercourse Act Forbid trade (embargo) with France or Britain reopen trade with country that removed its trade restrictions first…trying to play Britain and France against each other In 1810 Congress said US would trade with both but if either country agreed to drop its restrictions, the US would stop importing goods from the other that didn’t…France takes the bait while Britain holds out
Tecumseh and Tippecanoe Tecumseh is upset with US relations with Natives over land…talk of uniting against settlers William Henry Harrison goes with troops to Tippecanoe and burns their town…they give up more land
War Hawks Members of Congress that voted for the war Mainly Southern and Western farmers Why go to War? (Causes) impressment Freedom of the seas trade restrictions Embargo Act of 1807 Non-Intercourse Act Native Americans were being armed by the British They get War in June 1812 John Calhoun
Attack Canada on foot…unsuccessful Take British ships Defeat Natives America’s Strategy Attack Canada on foot…unsuccessful Take British ships Defeat Natives Britain’s Strategy Navy would raid cities along the coast cut New England off from the rest of the country Seize New Orleans and close the Mississippi River to western farmers …America would be forced to make peace
Raid on Washington, D.C. British fleet within marching distance of capitol defeated the militia and entered the city unopposed Madison and other officials fled Burnt the White House and the Capitol …America morale at all time low
Baltimore Baltimore was ready for British after burning of capitol Finally the British left after hours of bombardment on Fort McHenry Francis Scott Key celebrated the American victory by writing the “Star Spangled Banner”
The Battle of New Orleans Led by General Andrew Jackson Had the higher ground American victory but two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent had ended the war already Jackson becomes a war hero…what will he be next?
The Treaty of Ghent Treaty ended the War of 1812 Restored prewar boundaries but did little else, no discussions of impressment or neutrality The war increased American prestige on the seas and created a new spirit of patriotism/nationalism
The Hartford Convention New England’s opposition was increasing New England met in Hartford, Connecticut to consider secession Instead they called for several constitutional amendments to increase the regions political power Will destroy the Federalist Party
The Results of War of 1812 Andrew Jackson is a national hero Destroyed the Federalist Party because Of Hartford Convention Against war but an American victory nationalism surged Indian defeats created 4 new states
Adams-Onis Treaty Spain ceded (gave) Florida to America because of border disputes that started when Jackson seized Pensacola and defeated the Seminoles