It’s Pi Day!!!
Bonus Time Questions? Work on your homework or read silently. Not social time.
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Vocab Quiz
Turn in Pi day HW
Lesson 8-1 Random Samples and Surveys
Guided Notes 8-1 Random Samples and Surveys A population is a group of objects or people. A sample is a part of a population. A random sample is a sample in which each member of a population has the same chance of being selected. A biased question is a question that makes an unjustified assumption or makes some answers appear better than others.
Example 1 Almost every student in the school is probably taking one English class. The sample is likely to be random.
Quick Check 1a. The sample is less random because most of the people will be shopping after work. 1b. The sample is more random because it will include people shopping at all times of the day.
Example 2 a. fair b. biased
Quick Check2 a. Biased: the question implies that meat is greasy and veggies are healthy. b. Fair: the question makes no assumption about pizza toppings.
Bonus Time Questions? Work on your homework or read silently. Not social time.
Hand Back Tests
Bonus Time Questions? Work on your homework or read silently. Not social time.
HW ?s - Inquiry
Vocabulary Statistics Survey Stratify Probability
Guided Problem Solving Random Samples and Surveys
Bonus Time Questions? Work on your homework or read silently. Not social time.
Quiz Friday 3/18/16 Mr. Smith
Disney Bonus