Fill in the questionnaire. I mean business... Avoid distractions from the learning (e.g., cell phones, headphones, etc.) Be on time for lesson. Every time you are late or not in class, means less learning you will accomplish. Don’t make food or drinks obvious- the cockroaches are coming! It is all about “respect” DO NOT take advantage of my kindness. Be ready to learn- good pen, pencil, paper and attitude. Fill in the questionnaire.
Yes – stand up; No – remain seated Do you have a dog at home? Is English your first language? Did you have to take your child/children to school before coming here? Are you completely new to SCAS? Did you ever go to high school when you were younger in Toronto? Did you travel anywhere nice this summer? Do you have to go to work after school/after your lessons? Do you want to college after you have obtained your secondary school diploma?
Expectations: At the start I usually start my lessons with a small but important activity. The purpose of the activity is to: Help you understand what you will be doing in the rest of the lesson. Review what you have learned before and that you’ll continue learning. Get you to understand “Why you are learning what you are learning”
Expectations: Group Work I use a lot of group work to help you understand ideas and what I am trying to teach you. Challenges and disagreements. Helps build your skills. Please talk to me sometime this week if this will be a problem for you.
Expectations: Participation If you come to my class, be prepared to work and participate. Smile Don’t let me or your team or yourselves down. You may be asked to leave if you are not fully participating in the lesson or positively contributing to the learning. “Look” like you’re happy to learn (e.g., If we’re reading as a class, then be focused on what we are reading, etc.)
Expectations: You cannot hand in your work late! It is expected that you hand in your work on time. 10% late penalty. Keep the rough-copies of your work.
All of your course work (e. g. , paragraphs, tests, essays, etc All of your course work (e.g., paragraphs, tests, essays, etc.) is 70% of your final grade. The final examinations are worth 30% of the final grade. Your mark can change constantly or it can remain the same. Reading Writing Oral Communication Media Studies
What will you be learning? Grammar Short Stories Essay Writing Fatty Legs (Novel Study) Basic literary terms for English literature Resume writing Media Studies Social Issues
Last Bit of Expectations She don’t care. It don’t matter. Adam wrestch Adam hate working out.
Now, let’s get to know each other... Line-up from smallest to tallest Line-up from January to December Line-up in alphabetical order by first name (no speaking)
Adam Wrestch Write a letter to me. University of Toronto (2008) Bachelor of Education Taught in London, United Kingdom, for 5 years. I’ve taught all types of students from different religions, cultures and abilities. I was born and raised in Toronto. I started teaching at SCAS in September 2013, and I’ve taught ESL and English here. Email: Website: Write a letter to me. What are the elements/ingredients of a letter?
To know what theme is. To understand how to identify themes in a text To know what theme is. To understand how to identify themes in a text. To be able to justify your ideas of why a text is a particular theme. The theme of a text is the main message that the author is trying to teach the reader. ACTIVITY: Work on the worksheet. We can do the first one together. Work on your own. Try your best. I want to see how you write and if you understand the idea of theme. We will be revisiting this concept.
What is the theme of this video? I want you to identify the theme. Topic Sentence: Identify the theme Support your topic sentence with an example (e.g., For example…, For instance…) Explain how your example proves your topic sentence (2-3 sentences) Concluding sentence [What can people learn from this short film?]