Chapter 6: Food and Your Health Lesson 1: Managing Your Weight Ninth Grade By Sara Jamieson
Obesity is a more severe classification Overweight & Obesity Overweight – Weighing more than 10% over the standard weight for your height Obesity – Excess body fat, or adipose tissue. Obesity is a more severe classification
Obesity and You The prevalence of overweight teens has increased from 5% to 17.5% in 30 years In a recent study, 80% of overweight kids (ages 10-15) were obese by age 25
Obesity in the U.S.
What Causes Obesity? Sedentary lifestyle Poor food habits Heredity Fat cell theory Set point theory
Where do Calories Come From? Calories are not nutrients, but come from the various foods you eat. Calories are a unit to measure energy Carbohydrates 4 cal/gram Protein 4 cal/gram Fat 9 cal/gram
1 Pound Body Weight = 3,500 Calories
Weigh Too Much? What’s the Risk? Physical Problems Hypertension Diabetes High Cholesterol Atherosclerosis Various Cancers Doctor discusses the health risks of adolescent obesity. Listen now!
Weigh Too Much: What’s the Risk? Emotional Problems Lower self-esteem Social problems
Are You a Healthy Weight? How do You Know? BMI Body Mass Index Height and Weight Charts Skin Fold Test Hydrostatic Weighing
Find Your BMI BMI (Body Mass Index) is the ratio of your weight to your height. Step 1: Multiple your weight in pounds by 703 For someone weighing 149 pounds, this would be 149 x 703 = 104, 747 Step 2: Multiply your height in inches times itself For a person 65 inches tall, this would be 65 x 65 = 4,225 Step 3: Divide the answer in Step 1 by the answer in Step 2 104,747 ÷ 4,225 = 24.8
Lose Weight the Smart Way Eat fewer calories Exercise more frequently As a teenager do not eat less than 1,400-1,600 calories a day
Lose Weight the Smart Way Eat low-density foods from the five food groups Eat foods you like – limit portions Eat slowly Snack on low calories foods like fruits and veggies
Need to Put on Some Pounds? For some it is as hard to put on weight as it difficult for others to lose. To gain weight try: Increase caloric intake Complex carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, and rice Eat more frequently – take seconds! Eat nutritious snacks
The Energy Balance Maintaining Weight: Losing Weight: Gaining Weight: Your weight will stay the same when the calories you eat and drink equal the calories you burn. Losing Weight: You will lose weight when the calories you eat and drink are less than the calories you burn. Gaining Weight: You will gain weight when the calories you eat and drink are greater than the calories you burn.
Educational Video: The First Weight Loss Boarding School
Reaction to the Video How do you feel after watching this video? Do you think a boarding school for overweight kids is a good idea? Why or why not? Other thoughts?
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