Johan Erikson Statistics Sweden Luxemburg, March 2012
Agenda Background GSBPM, process support system (PSS) What is Triton? Some screenshots of interfaces – in Swedish The future Triton Seminarium 1
Background Move towards process oriented production Process support system (PSS) – from information to steering the production Triton – first move in this direction – for data collection and micro editing Collection/editing background: Existing common tools – bad bridges Manual work – shuffling and transforming data Survey specific production systems – dependency on single persons VB6 – old technique in old systems Triton Seminarium 1
What do we want? Common environment, not survey specific Reduce (eliminate) manual data shuffling Mixed mode (web & paper) normal One system, able to configure for surveys New surveys – new configuration, not new system Updated technique - .NET Built in separate modules that are separated, possible to replace Integrate existing tools, add additional necessary tools Must feel like one interface Triton Seminarium 1
The goals for the Triton platform Lower costs for maintenance and support of IT systems Less dependency on single persons More effective production Better working environment for collection/editing staff Less manual work Easy to configure new surveys Better possibilities to improve the process Facilitate working in many surveys Take a step towards process oriented production
GSBPM and Statistics Sweden Have adopted a process oriented approach Based on Generic Statistical Business Process Model
GSBPM and Statistics Sweden Information available to support production process Information provided by process owners Process owners
A lot of information Process descriptions Which parts are relevant for us? Process descriptions Multiple levels Checklists to support quality assurance Survey 1
The goals for the process support system (PSS) Provide a survey oriented view of Process descriptions Checklists for quality assurance Process oriented tools Show state of process execution Support collaboration between groups and roles Triton is the first step towards implementing this in practice New part of PSS created to support this – process areas
Survey oriented view Survey A Survey B Process dashboard Process descriptions Survey design Survey oriented view Survey oriented view Process dashboard Process checklists Application Service
Triton – A new platform Supports GSBPM-processes Collect and Process including their design and build processes
Input Data Environment Setting parameters, reports, activities (planning and follow- up), templates, et cetera. PSS ”Log” Configuration Repository IL (data storage) Appl. Appl. SCANDELIVERY SCANNING Appl. Input Data Environment (BizTalk) Appl. SIV (web) Survey databases Appl. DUPLICATE Appl. SIGNAL E-mail sending EDIT PRINTING Traditional editing (rules engine) Selective editing SELEKT Appl. EDIT Handling and editing of individual reporting units
Triton step by step (1) Define survey, survey rounds, collection rounds Set parameters Sub-systems are loaded and prepared Collection activities are defined Define variables Build collection instrument (web, paper, scanning) Uses defined variables Define edit checks (done within web collection builder) Define value sets Re-use of value sets used in building instrument
Triton step by step (2) Load sample, background info Configure EDIT settings Send out survey – run collection Send data (respondent) Handle duplicates Edit data Transfer data to survey
PSS process areas - structure Survey Survey round Collection round Process / Analyse Disseminate TRITON
Process area, collection round Activities (quality assurance support, support for planning) Based on design choices Possible to add survey specific activities Staff, authorities FAQ Variables Sample load time Paradata reports Access to tools (EDIT to start with)
Part of form for collection round
Process area – Collection round
Collection activities
Web collection builder
EDIT (1) - overview
EDIT (2) – editing view
The future – what happens next? Implementation Maintenance, production support Further development of Triton platform Expansion of the thoughts – support further processes in a similar way through PSS
Thank you for your attention! Any questions?