Day 3
How can knowing another language create understanding?
Words to Know: ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover
ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover victory; success
ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover of times long past
learned people; people having much knowledge ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover learned people; people having much knowledge
anything that joins or connects, as a loop of a chain does ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover anything that joins or connects, as a loop of a chain does
ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover to change from one language into another
building used for the service or worship of God or gods ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover building used for the service or worship of God or gods
ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover to make known; reveal; expose
ancient link scholars seeker temple translate triumph uncover one who tries to find; one who searches
You’ve got it!!!
Comprehension skill: Graphic Sources -A graphic source, such as a picture, a map, or a chart, organizes information and makes it easy to see. -You can use a graphic source to help you understand what you read.
How do the pictures (graphic source. ) and drawings (graphic source How do the pictures (graphic source!) and drawings (graphic source!) throughout this week’s story help you to better understand the text?
Daily Fix-it!!