Supporting others to be open @worldbankdata Open Data at the World Bank Open about what we do Open about what we know Open to new engagement Supporting others to be open
Open about what we do: Projects and Operations Portal - Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings
Open about what we do: Projects and Operations Portal - Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings
Open about what we do:
Open about what we do: First multilateral to publish IATI data - Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings
Open about what we know:
Open about what we know: Bank-wide data catalog Microdata catalog - offering researched access to raw survey data covering household etc. specialist datasets available in the data catalog: making data from across the bank visible and findable in once central location - Specialist data - WITS - trade data, databases on migration and remittences
Open about what we know: Survey microdata for research Microdata catalog - offering researched access to raw survey data covering household etc. specialist datasets available in the data catalog: making data from across the bank visible and findable in once central location - Specialist data - WITS - trade data, databases on migration and remittences
Open to new engagement: Google gives our data reach
Open to new engagement: Global Apps Contests
Supporting others to do Open Data