Pentatonic Improvisation
Here’s the G Major Pentatonic Scale (Note how it is built up on the I / II / III / V / VI degrees of the scale) It is the same pentatonic scale as Ravel starts with – just a semitone higher Try playing it ascending and descending on your instruments so that you get used to its sound.
Now try this ostinato pattern Now try this ostinato pattern. Once you have learned it get together with a partner: Take it in turns to play the ostinato pattern whilst the other person improvises a melody above it using the notes of the G Major Pentatonic. (Ie. G A B D E). Question Answer Try to make your melody have a ‘Question and Answer structure to it. TIP: Imagine that you were going to sing your melody – pause for a breath half-way through, which will be the ‘question’, and then have an ‘answer’ of the same length.
Finally make your piece have a ‘Ternary’ or A B A form to it. ABA form is where you have one section, followed by a contrasting section, which then repeats the first section. (TIP: Think ‘Same / Different / Same’) Playing techniques Dynamics Rhythm Think carefully about how you might make your middle ‘B’ section different. Consider …. Melody Texture Instrumentation