Five-note Hero
Here’s the G Major Pentatonic Scale that is on your ‘Compose a Leitmotif’ worksheet. (Note how it is built up on the I / II / III / V / VI degrees of the scale) Try playing it ascending and descending on your instruments so that you get used to its sound.
Now clap through these four 4-beat rhythms - your teacher will explain how to count them out Pick two of the rhythms and clap them through. Now make each note value a note from the G pentatonic scale and write it down. Finally play through your melody using your rhythm and this will be your melodic leitmotif! Here is an example using two rhythms Finally make your leitmotif have a triumphant and heroic sound to it. Tip: Why not try using brass instrumental sounds? Maybe add in a simple percussion pattern to add to it.
Playing techniques Dynamics Rhythm Think carefully about how you might make your variation of your leitmotif sound calm, peaceful and tranquil although a listener should still recognise it as the music for your hero. Tempo Pitch Timbre Here’s an example