Multidisciplinary Approaches to Managing Hemophilia
Program Goal
Case 1: A 16-Year-Old Boy With Severe Hemophilia A
Case 1: A 16-Year-Old Boy With Severe Hemophilia A (cont)
Sports Background
Physical Therapy Evaluation
Adolescents and Sports
Improving Prophylaxis
Case 1: Approaches Taken Before Patient Started Playing
Case 1: Case Follow-up
Case 2: The Patient at 27
Case 2: How to Proceed?
Managing Joints
Physical Activity
Case 2: Type of Exercise Approach
Case 2: General Thoughts
Case 3: The Patient at 40
Case 3: How to Proceed?
Managing Arthritic Pain
Case 3: Follow-up
Case 3: General Thoughts
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)