Welcome to Gifted Support! Ms. Amanda Pierce apierce@crsd.org B10 NES ~ B25 RES We will get started shortly. While you are waiting, please feel free to do the following: Take a handout (front table) Check your student’s GIEP date Fill out student information card Write a letter to your child Find a seat
Meet Ms. Pierce 3rd Year Teaching , 2nd year in Council Rock, previously at Goodnoe Elementary
Hi from Mrs. McFillin! Introducing Emily Faith McFillin! Born on June 22nd Stone Harbor Big sister Ella! I am enjoying being home with my girls! Please tell your children I say hello and I miss them very much!
Classroom Schedule 9:20 – 10:05 2nd Grade NES 11:20-12:05 6th Grade 12:30-1:15 5th Grade 2:15-3:00 4th Grade 3:00-3:45 (MTW) 3rd Grade 3:00-3:45 (TH/F) 2nd Grade Classroom Schedule
About the Humanities Program The goals for the program are to encourage higher level thinking skills, enhance creativity, promote positive attitudes toward self and others, and broaden learning experiences beyond those in the regular classroom setting.
Humanities Supply List 2018-2019 Grades 2, 3: 1 folder Grade 4: 1 folder, 3 subject spiral notebook Grade 5: 1/2 inch binder with 3 dividers, 3 subject spiral notebook, 1 folder Grade 6: 1 inch binder with 3 dividers, 3 subject spiral notebook, 1 folder
Curriculum Overview 2nd grade 3rd grade Possible Units Pentaminoes Birthday Research Oceanography Spies and Codes Middle Ages 3rd grade Textbook: Social Studies Alive! Our Communities and Beyond Geography Communities Government Immigrant Experience
Curriculum Overview 4th grade 5th grade Textbook: Social Studies Alive! Regions of the Country Lenape Indians Pennsylvania History 50 States and Capitals Regions of the USA: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West 5th grade *Honey Hallow Archeology trip tentatively scheduled for 10/19* more to come! Textbook: History Alive! America’s Past Archeology Geography Explorers European Settlements Early Colonies American Revolution Current Events
Curriculum Overview 6th grade Textbook: History Alive! The Ancient World Stone Age Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient China Ancient India Mesoamerica Current events
Homework Please communicate if homework is causing any concern. District policy - 10 min. x grade level Daily - Homework Assignment Book. Larger projects/assignments may have helpful materials/links posted on the classroom website Missed Assignments: *Sign and turn in the assignment the following day. *More than one day missed: “OOPS Slip” sent home. Please communicate if homework is causing any concern.
4th, 5th and 6th Grade Notebook New this year to help students work on organizational and study skills Neat, legible, organized Table of contents Student output on the left side Teacher input on the right side 2 Notebook extras per marking period Time out – related news article or political cartoon with summary Personal Response Independent Findings Graded on accuracy, neatness, and quality
GIEP Conferences Students in grades 4, 5, and 6 are invited to attend the G.I.E.P. conference. Please check your student’s GIEP date on the front table Due to the fact that my mornings are spent at NES, most meetings will have to take place in the afternoons around 4:00 PM
Thank You! To Do: Take a handout (front table) Write a letter to your child Fill out parent information card Check your student’s GIEP date Have a great evening!