Early European Exploration
The Conquistadors Spanish soldiers sailing to America were called Conquistadors, or conquerors Their labor was the work of God, defeat of nonbelievers was duty Set out to find 7 cities of Cibola
Cortes and the Aztecs Tenochtitlan, capitol of Aztec empire Sat on 2 islands in Lake Texcoco Huge amounts of wealth Moctezuma II, heard reports of Cortes nearing Did not attack because Cortes fit description of an Aztec God Cortes and men punished anyone that practiced non-Christian traditions 1521, Cortes and army destroys Aztec city Spanish built Mexico City on ruins 1519, landed on coast of Mexico Heard reports of a wealthy empire close by, the Aztecs Cortes was ruthless, marched into Mexico and caused havoc along the way Better weapons, horses Cortes gained allies w/ other Indians conquered by the Aztecs Aztecs forced to pay tributes, held sacrifices
After Cortes Spain controlled all land of present day Mexico Became heart of viceroyalty of New Spain Viceroy – official who rules the land. Pizzaro followed Cortes footsteps, conquered Incas in S. America European diseases spread and ravaged Indian population