Dimensional Analysis/ Accuracy & Precision Quiz Density Article Summary
Evaluation/Assessment: Objective: Today I will be able to: Apply knowledge of the dimensional analysis and accuracy and precision on a quiz. Write a summary about a density article Evaluation/Assessment: Informal assessment – student questions during the exam Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exam and exit ticket Common Core Connection Demonstrate Independence Build Strong Content Knowledge Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Evaluate: Dimensional Analysis/ Accuracy & precision quiz Explain: Density Article/ Summary Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Warm - Up How many centigrams are there in 15 kilograms? What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
Objective Today I will be able to: Apply knowledge of the dimensional analysis and accuracy and precision on a quiz. Write a summary about a density article
Homework Finish writing the article summary
Agenda Warm – Up Dimensional Analysis/Accuracy & Precision Quiz Density Article/Summary Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket Was the quiz a fair representation of what you learned? Were there any questions that you were surprised about?