Eric N. Quillip Education Program Supervisor 2nd Division Executive Conference for CY 2018 July 27-28, 2018 Municipality of Cuyo ISSUES AND CONCERNS Eric N. Quillip Education Program Supervisor
1. Expressing my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the PSDSs, School Heads and Teachers visited during the Monitoring of the Opening of Classes from June 4-8, 2018 at the following districts: Aborlan North District Aborlan South District Roxas Central District Roxas North District Roxas South District
2. List of Elementary Schools Implementing Special Science Program as of SY 2018-2019 Encouraging Central and Big Elementary schools to organize Special Science Program
3. List of Secondary Schools Implementing Special Science Program as of SY 2018-2019 Encouraging Big Secondary schools and SHS Implementers offering STEM Track to organize Special Science Program
Teachers Participanted 4. REGIONAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS (RTOT) ON THE CRITICAL CONTENT (Mathematics 4, Science 4&8) last June 26-July 7, 2018 at Puerto Princesa City. Subject/Grade Level RTOT Trainers Teachers Participanted Mathematics Grade 4 1 52 Science Grade 4 2 55 Science Grade 8 Pls. Ensure the transfer of learning to their fellow teachers through SLAC and during the delivery of their lessons.
5. DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 5. DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 124, SERIES 2018 RE: DIVISION TRAINING OF TEACHERS (DTOT) ON THE CRITICAL CONTENT (Mathematics 4&8, Science 4&8, Filipino 7 & English 7); Live-Out Training SCHEDULED DATE: AUGUST 27-31, 2018; August 26, 2018 as Day 0 VENUE: ANY HOTEL AT PUERTO PRINCESA CITY Attached in the memo are the List of Participants, Trainers and the Training Matrix/ Program of Activities DM 124, s. 2018
6. 2018 PALAWAN DIVISION SCILYMPICS Schedule: September 27-28, 2018 Venue: Any Hotel in Puerto Princesa City to be announced later Division Memorandum will be issued and posted later
Learning Competencies Learning Competencies MPS Description Rank 1. Identify major parts of the male or female reproductive system and their functions 35.89 Low Proficient 8 2. explain how the respiratory system works 31.11 12 3. identify parts of the urinary system and their function using a diagram 36.69 6 4. classify vertebrates into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes 25.78 17 5. describe characteristics that enable animals to survive in an environment 39.17 3 6. describe characteristics of different kinds of plants 41.78 1 7. differentiate physical from chemical changes by giving examples 29.65 15 8. describe distinct characteristics of planets in the solar system 35.18 9 9. identify major parts of the nervous system and their functions 28.52 16 10. identify major parts of the circulatory system and their functions 41.68 2 11. present through a diagram the feeding interrelationship among living organism 34.82 10 12. Illustrate the interdependence of plants and animals for gases through the oxygen - carbon dioxide cycle 36.38 7 13. explain the effects of change in materials to health/ and the environment 32.15 11 14. identify energy forms/and their uses 38.29 4 15. identify factors that affect the motion of an object 29.88 14 16. describe the characteristics of earth's interior layers 30.45 13 17. describe characteristics of stars and how group of stars are useful to people 37.77 5
Suggestions to Improve NAT Performance Re-Implement the Project RESCUE (Revitalizing Educators’ Services and Commitment in Uplifting the Educational Synergy) Sit down together and analyze the NAT Results per subject Come up with interpretation of every competency’s Percentage of Correct Response Craft/Prepare Competency-Based Questions parallel in the NAT Provide prepared questions to students/learners to answer and process their answers. Do it regularly Remind teachers of their responsibility and commitment in ensuring positive performances of their students. Other Interventions that will address performance gaps.
7. DM No. 119, series 2018 dated July 9, 2018 re: 2018 MTAP–DEPED SATURDAY PROGRAMS IN MATHEMATICS FOR REGULAR LEARNERS To be conducted on 6 Saturdays from July 28-September 1, 2018 (Date maybe adjusted but with Parents’ Permission) For complete details, Pls. Download the Memo at Interested elementary schools to organize may coordinate through 09175210978 (Globe) or 09399196625 (SMART) MTAP Modules shall be sent through email address of the School Head/Center Coordinator next week upon return to the Division office.
8. DIVISION ADVISORY dated July 16, 2018 FIRST PHILIPPINE VEDIC MATHEMATICS SEMINAR WORKSHOP Inviting participation of elementary and secondary teachers teaching Mathematics to the First Philippine Vedic Mathematics Seminar Workshop to be held on August 1-3, 2018 at Skylight Convention Center, Roxas Street, Puerto Princesa City. Participation of interested teachers and school officials will be on official time. Expenses shall be borne personally or charged through other sources by the participants. SDO Palawan Official Website Link/Website to download the RPMS Manual, PPST Handbook and PPST Modules; Division Memoranda & Advisories SDO Palawan Official Website
Behind every SUCCESFUL PERSON, there is SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW who CARES about his growth and development. This person is the MENTOR and GUIDE and this is YOU!
Thank you!