Chapter Education
Communication Etiquette This program is an overview of basic communication etiquette, including, how to introduce yourself, deal with flaky people, use your phone, and say thanks. Participants will also explore the connection between etiquette and expressing our values.
How would you respond to an introduction? A. Smile and nod B. Curtsy C. Firm handshake D. Women were not introduced
Which was NOT expected of a bridesmaid? A. That she be younger than the bride B. That she bow when the bride said her vow C. That her dress be less expensive than the bride D. That she stand beside the couple at the reception
Which of the following were rules for gift giving between courting couples? A. A woman could only give a gift after the man had given her one first. B. Men gave flowers, chocolate, and books. C. Women gave inexpensive items. D. All of the above.
Our Values Wisdom Power Faith Hope Love
Find a partner and introduce yourselves. Then, go find another pair and introduce your partner to your new friends!
Tell your neighbor about a time someone was flaky and how it made you feel. How would you address the same situation if it ever happened again? Tell about a time that YOU were the flaky one. What will you do differently to keep from being that person?
What stood out most to you? Send a family member or friend some love!