PARTICULARS EN. SAIFUL NUJAIMI ABDUL RAHMAN 017 – 696 0420 (H/p) 03 – 8946 8792 (Office) 03 – 8948 5950 (Communication Dept’s Fax) saifulrahman72@hotmail.com (e-mail)
STUDENTS’ S.W.O.T. S.W.O.T. on what our students have! Our biggest concern is the quality of their overall performance being upgraded from time to time!
STUDENTS’ STRENGTHS Matured Experienced Resourceful Financially stable High level of competence
STUDENTS’ WEAKNESSES Time constraints – assgt / answering Budget constraints – assgt / study Tendency to cheat (copy assgts, etc.) Theoretically / academically weak Unfamiliar with academic’s expectation
STUDENTS’ OPPORTUNITIES Comprehensive face-to-face Tutor’s assistance Machine-assisted communication Practical procedures Helpful officers
STUDENTS’ THREATS Inadequate information Poor relation of lecturer and tutors Poor communication facilities Impractical procedures Unfriendly officers
WHAT CAN WE DO? Consistently improving lecturer – tutors relationships on a few major areas,i.e.: Contacts – face-to-face, mobile phones, email addresses, etc. Avoiding conflict – ideas, directives, etc. Consistently updating vital information.
MY EXPECTATIONS Face-to-face: Come prepared Assertively participating with the lecture Establishing professional ties Maintain candor all the way
MY EXPECTATIONS Assignments: Abiding with the given format – Cover, Outline, Introduction, Body (thorough discussion), Conclusion, Bibliography. Properly written (no serious typo error) Properly referred / quoted Topics are thoroughly discussed Maintain candor all the way
MY EXPECTATIONS Examinations: Abiding with all the directives - READ before answer! Answering all the requested questions – EVEN if you couldn’t finish all. Abiding with the given format – Definition/Introduction, Body (discussion), Examples, Conclusion
PENGAJARAN, MID-SEM & FINAL THE CONTENT: Units: Kita ada 6 unit First face-to-face will lecture on Unit 1, 2, 3 Mid-sem exam will cover Unit 1, 2, 3 Second face-to-face will lecture on Unit 4, 5, 6 Final exam covers the entire unit (1 till 6) All questions will be subjectives!
Terima kasih & Wassalamualaikum