Team Name Who is my customer? What is my product? Week #1 Insert picture Insert picture Insert picture EL name (Entrepreneur Lead) AL name (Academic Lead) Mentor name (Business Mentor) Business Hypotheses Who is my customer? What is my product? Why will my customer buy my product? Introduce myself as a new employee with a background of the electrospinning. The difference approach to fabricate the
Create Your Hypothesis For Illustration Exclude This Slide from Your Presentation
Problem They Are Facing Hypothesis Statement Target Customers Problem They Are Facing Your Solution Success Metric
Positioning Statements For Illustration only Exclude this slide from Your Presentation For any traveler who wants to explore the world on his or her own terms, WanderList is a social travel site/app that provides personalized travel planning and curated experiences in an intuitive format. Unlike TripAdvisor and Yelp, our product makes it easy to find what you’re looking for and have what you’re looking for find you. ------------------- For smart phone users who want a wireless charging solution, Permacharge is a phone case that delivers a wireless charging experience that enables users to never worry about battery life whenever in range of a Wi-Fi connection. Unlike Mophie phone cases and wireless charging strips, our product charges your smartphone without any user intervention. ---------------- For people that want restaurant quality food options in a convenient, local and social environment. BAGOOM! is a social platform that connects community members who love to eat with quality chefs and cooking enthusiasts to share a unique eating experience. Unlike Postmates, Doordash, and Blue Apron, our platform provides an intimate, social experience while providing ready made meals by experienced local chefs.
Your Positioning Statement Sentence 1 FOR (your target customer), who needs to (problem or need), (your product) is a (category name) THAT (main benefit) Sentence 2 Unlike (competitors), our product (what it does better). Giving (customers) (advantage) See Examples on Next Slide
First Five Interviews
Interview Count IN PERSON SKYPE FACE TIME, ETC. Phone New Total
Interviews (Name, Title) Why This Person or Organization Findings/Impressions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Lessons Learned Hypothesis: What did you think prior to starting the interviews? Experiment: What key questions did you ask in your interviews? Results: What did you find? Include a direct customer quote that illustrates what you learned. Iterate: What are you going to do next? Who will you interview? What do you hope to learn? Talk about the value propositions. Conclusion: we found market fit if we can the performance requirement cost effectively, most of the companies we spoke to requested laboratory samples and they will provide specification for their applications
Q &A