Management of bacterial (Ralstonia solanaceerum) wilt in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using resistant African eggplant (Solanum spp) rootstocks T. NIKUZE, E. M. ATEKA, W. O. OWINO AND J. AMBUKO 6/June/2018
INTRODUCTION Tomato is an economically important horticultural crop in Kenya Progressive decline in tomato production 6/June/2018
Cont… Increased cost of production and reduction in household income Constantly attacked by BW Wide host range and widespread Mitigated through use of resistant varieties 6/June/2018
Performance of tomato in Kenya 2012 – 2015 Year Area (000) Ha Volume (MT) Value (000, Ksh) 2012 19 364 103 2013 21 384 116 2014 24 400 118 2015 25 410 120 6/June/2018
Objectives To determine phenotypic reaction of African eggplant accessions to bacterial wilt infection To identify resistant markers for bacterial wilt in different accessions of African eggplant 6/June/2018
Materials and Methods 1. To determine the phenotypic reaction of African eggplant accessions to bacterial wilt infection 6/June/2018
Bacterial wilt status of experimental field Soil sample Number of colonies Population density (cfu/ml S1 177 1.6 x 107 S2 148 5.9 x 106 S3 154 9.4 x106 6/June/2018
Trans-Planting Eggplant seedlings Inoculation Field Greenhouse 6/June/2018
Results Healthy plant (A), bacterial wilt symptoms (B, C and D), E, F and G BW oozing from plant sections a D b B c Oozy stem F E 6/June/2018 G
Cont… Morphological characteristics on TZC (Kelman) media 6/June/2018
Reaction trends 6/June/2018
Trends cont… 6/June/2018
Trends cont… 6/June/2018
Trends cont… 6/June/2018
Trends cont… 6/June/2018
Materials and methods 2. To identify resistant genes for bacterial wilt in different accessions of African eggplant 6/June/2018
DNA-extraction CTAB PCR 6/June/2018
Results 6/June/2018
Cont….. 6/June/2018
A1 A2 A A3 B1 B B3 6/June/2018 B2
Discussion and Conclusion There was difference in response to infection Various mortality at different time point No wilting symptoms in Accession RV100332 and resistant markers Accession RV100445 did not react to BW and carried 5 SSR markers Morphological characteristics of Ralstonia after isolation 6/June/2018
Cont… Resistant markers were present in thirty accessions There is association between accessions and origin S. aethiopicum and S. anguivi good source of resistant genes Resistant markers will help breeders to develop resistant tomato varieties to BW Resistant accession can be used as rootstocks in management of BW 6/June/2018
References Bi-hao, C. Jian-jun, L., Yong, W. and Guo-ju, C.2009. Inheritance and identification of SCAR marker linked to bacterial wilt-resistance in eggplant. African Journal of Biotechnology , 8(20), pp. 5201-5207. Caguiat, X.G.I. and Hautea, D.M.2014. Genetic Diversity analysis of eggplant (solanum melongena l.) and related wild species in the philippines using morphological and ssr markers. sabrao Journal or Breeding and Genetics, 46(2), pp. 183-201. Castillo, J. A. and Greenberg, J. T. 2007. Evolutionary Dynamics of Ralstonia solanacearum." Applied and Environmental Micribiology, 73(4), pp. 1225-1238. Lebeau, A., Gouy, M., Daunay, M. C., Wicker, E., Chiroleu, F., Prior, P., Frary, A. and Dintinger, J. 2013. Genetic mapping of a major dominant gene for resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum in eggplant. Theor Appl Genet, Volume 126, pp. 143-158. Muthoni, J., Shimelis, H. and Melis, R. 2012. Management of Bacterial Wilt [Rhalstonia solanacearum Yabuuchi et al., 1995] of Potatoes: Opportunity for Host Resistance in Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(9), pp. 64-78. 6/June/2018
THANK YOU 6/June/2018