Fruit flavor and Volatile There has been growing dissatisfaction among consumers about the flavor of fruits and vegetable. 1-purchases are often based on appearance and firmness. 2-Internal quality such as mouth-feel and flavor. Fruits breeder select lines based on color, size, disease resistance, yield or other horticultural characteristics.
Flavor Flavor is a complex determined by: 1-Genetics 2-Environmental factors 3-Cultural practice 4-Harvest maturity 5-Postharvest Handling
Flavor is composed: 1-Sweetness 2-Sourness 3-Bitterness 4-Saltiness 5-Aroma
Flavor components in fruits Sweetness Related mainly to sugar which included sucrose in citrus, glucose or fructose in tomato, sorbitol in ripe apple along with other sugars. Fructose is more sweet than sucrose. Suloble Solid (TSS) normally synonymous with sugar and are easily measured. Acidity Contributed by organic acids such as citric acid in lemon, malic acid in apples, quinic acid in pear, tartaric acid in grapes, oxalic acid in bananas Bitterness Depend on terpenoid lactones such as Limonin in orange, Flavonnoid glycosides such as naringin in grapefruit Saltiness Contributed by various natural salts Astringency Flavonoids, alkalooids , tannins