Presented by the Boston Chapter Hiking and Backpacking Committee Program Trips Leaders, REGI/OLTL April 6th – May 4th, 2016 Presented by the Boston Chapter Hiking and Backpacking Committee
Leaders Experienced Formal Training Class begins promptly at 6:30. If you come in after that, just quietly take a seat. Plenty of seats for everyone, so don’t feel like you need to hover in the back of the room. Parking vouchers, see Mark or Casey for more details Three more classes at Joy Street, last class at EMS comm ave Experienced Formal Training Mentored as Co-Leaders to become Leaders 3 Season & 4 Season Leaders Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Volunteers Love to Hike
Trip Sign-up/Registration Class plan – start with trip announcements, have a presentation or two. Break for snacks around 7:30 each night. Return for one more presentation, then go into breakout sessions. Check out the mountain name on your badge (Rainer, Everest, etc), and match that to the signs around the room. Today, we will be discussing the program hiking trips, and how to select appropriate clothing and boots for hiking in New England. Two Main systems REGI H/B Committee's own trip listings system ActDB (Activities Database) AMC trip listings All Chapters All Committees All outdoor interests
REGI (H/B Committee Trip Registration System) Status: Submitted - A leader will contact you Approved - You're approved for the trip Wait Listed - You've been screened but awaiting room Cancelled 1/18/2019
Leaders Registration Trip Survey Exclusive Trips Progarm Trips Class begins promptly at 6:30. If you come in after that, just quietly take a seat. Plenty of seats for everyone, so don’t feel like you need to hover in the back of the room. Parking vouchers, see Mark or Casey for more details Three more classes at Joy Street, last class at EMS comm ave Leaders Registration Trip Survey Exclusive Trips
REGI 1/18/2019
REGI 1/18/2019
On Line Trip Listing (AMC) Main Site: Trip Listing: By Activity Hiking, Bicycling, Camping, Backpacking, Family, Ice Skating, Office Work, Volunteering, Walks, Trail Maintenance, etc By Chapter Boston, New Hampshire, Maine, CT, NY, DC, etc By State By Type By Age group etc 1/18/2019
Activities Database (ActDB) 1/18/2019
Survey Will receive after each trip Voluntary 2 minutes Complete after each trip (or ignore it) 2 minutes Trip Name/Date 8 questions (disagree/agree type) 3 free-form feedback fields Goal: Improve the program for 2016 1/18/2019