Regulatory Highlights: New Content for The Canada Shipping Act concerning Pleasure Craft and Based on Science Preliminary Legislative Drafting Instructions by the Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation
Preliminary Legislative Drafting Instructions National standards conceived and based on research results for: Certain types of operation of certain types of pleasure craft (e.g.: wake boats) Certain types of marine environments (e.g.: small lakes, shallow salmon rivers) The flexibility to add standards/regulations to reflect new scientific developments + new types of boats
Preliminary Legislative Drafting Instructions Hybrid solution, Government of Canada standards and municipal authority Federal government would set national standards Municipalities may exceed national standards to reflect community interests City council approval would be sufficient Option: Ability of residents to contest a norm for a water body if they pay for research
Preliminary Legislative Drafting Instructions Foster filming of illegal activity without identifying the complainant for the purposes of a fine Integration of new legislation in the training for an operator’s permit Equipment obligations, prohibitions and modifications Noise: decibels and placement of the speakers
Preliminary Legislative Drafting Instructions Once the legislation is adopted, the creation of permanent committee with external representation to assure ongoing updating of the law Could include representatives of communities, Safe Quiet Lakes, Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation, Rideau River residents, provincial and national governments, National Marine Manufacturers Association, environmental organizations + other stakeholders
Preliminary Legislative Drafting Instructions Autumn 2016: The written comments of the Coalition’s two legal advisors have been integrated into the Coalition proposals: Me. Jean-François Girard, le Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement Me. Jean-François Lépine, Lamarre-Linteau&Montcalm