English 10 – Period 2 - Thurs, Nov. 9 Due Today: No work due for Q2 today New seats! IF ABSENT LAST CLASS - Remind text? Check agenda? Work on CW/HW? Do now: p/u JOURNAL & GRAMMAR NB
Today’s Activities MUG Shots – Grammar Sentence #4A Beowulf – A New Telling Work on Compare/Contrast – Beo/Wiglaf vs. Firedrake & Sigmund/Fitela vs. Fire Dragon Discuss next class No Red Ink (half of class) Work on Diagnostic Assessment (not graded in gradebook)
Journal Entry - Colors Describe the color of your crayon. What does it make you think of? In a short paragraph, describe a specific memory associated with this color. Use at least TWO Smiley Faced tricks in your response!
Con’t - Today’s Activities Everyday Hero – Essay Prewrite Access CNN Everyday Heroes link (English 10 Docs) Begin reading profiles in which you are interested (at least 7- 10) Narrow down to FIVE preferred hero choices Begin notetaking sheets / goal = approx. TWO full sheets by next class) IF FINISH – Common Lit Article – Veteran’s Day Begin online reading/response
Read at least 5-7 CNN Everyday Hero 2017 profiles HW for Mon, Nov. 13 Read at least 5-7 CNN Everyday Hero 2017 profiles Complete at least 1-2 notetaking sheets on different heroes
Example – Quote Analysis Quote: “’Light holds you, Grendel. Light holds you in its power…these fingers that you feel are ten great stars. Stars have no fear. I do not fear you, Grendel…’” (Nye 40). Page#: 40 (Ch. 6) Situational Context: Beowulf is fighting Grendel in his first battle in the novel. King Hrothgar’s own well-armed army of men has been defeated twice by this monster. Beowulf is employing his own strength and confidence to defeat Grendel, as weapons have been of no use in the past. Reaction (why did you choose it): This quote highlights some of Beowulf’s inner strengths as a man and effective warrior. He is physically strong, but he also feels no fear; this is an important point to note, as fear has been one of Grendel’s primary weapons against ordinary men. In addition, this quote highlights one of the main external conflicts in the novel, Man vs. Supernatural. This is the first of three difficult battles Beowulf will encounter in the novel on his hero’s journey to keep his (and others’) kingdoms safe.
Example – Characterization Type of Indirect Characterization: Speech & Actions (the “S” and the “A” of STEAL) Quote: “Beowulf swiftly handed him an apple. ‘I don’t peel them, myself,’ he said” (Nye 27). Page#: 27 (Ch. 5 ) Situational Context Beowulf encounters Unferth’s ill will towards him when he initially meets King Hrothgar. Beowulf is intent on impressing the king and convincing him to allow him to fight Grendel. Beowulf brings apples, which Unferth incorrectly identifies as “witches’ apples”; Unferth attempts to throw Beowulf under the bus and make him look as if he is trying to poison the king. Despite Unferth’s obvious attempt to make Beowulf look bad, Beowulf, instead of becoming angry, makes a joke and lightens the mood. What Does it Say About the Character as a Person: Beowulf knows he cannot overreact if he wants to convince the king he is the monster-slaying man that is needed here; he needs the king to trust and respect him. In this situation, he shows he is level-headed, calm, and savvy in his understanding of people dynamics.
MUG Shots Directions ONE SUBJECT NOTEBOOK for MUG SHOTS/grammar – leave in class if needed INCLUDE date and number of MUG Shot COPY IN PEN; make corrections in PENCIL CORRECT with GROUP / REVIEW as class ANNOTATE sentence with notes to enhance understanding of grammar rules SKIP a line or two between sentences (no more)
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors