Ms. Fulmer’s Black Panthers Sept. 10-14 Important Dates Announcements September 12: Progress reports go home September 13: Report to Public 5:30 @ Retta Brown September 24: Parent /Teacher Conferences 12:00-6:00 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS! September 27: Class Pictures 8:30-9:30 September 27 : Fundraisers due *Please sign up for: Remind 101: Ms. Fulmer’s Black Panther’s for important class information. *Please look at your students planner, Red Folder, and Behavior Folder daily and initial the Behavior Folder. * If you have extra plastic grocery bags (Wal-Mart, Brookshire's, etc.), please send them to school for our classroom. Thank you! Sight Words for 1st 9-weeks: all, away, back, big, her, who, with, this, want, over Language Arts/Writing In Reading In Math *Short vowels *Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story Capitalize the first word of a sentence and the pronoun I, and dates, and the names of people. Explore, count, write and compare numbers to 20. Number patterns Collect, sort, and organize data