Welcome to Open House Night 2018-2019 Jessika Hills 328-5541 jessika.hills@d11.org
A little about myself: Education and work experience UCCS for both undergraduate and graduate degrees Bachelors in History Masters in elementary curriculum and instruction In 11th year of teaching kindergarten
More about Me! The fun stuff I spend most of my weekends doing something outdoors! My husband and I just came back from a trip to the Pacific Northwest. One of our favorite parts was hiking around Mt. Rainier. I love spending time with my family too. My family has a Samoyed named Ghost. He is my favorite. You will probably hear a lot about Ghost this school year from the kiddos. I share a lot of silly stories about him! One cool thing that I’ve done in the past two years is build a custom home with my husband in Palmer Lake. It was and continues to be quite a project! More about Me! The fun stuff
Miss Stautz: Our class Kindergarten Aide Currently attending UCCS and working on a Bachelor's degree in Communication. 2nd year kindergarten class aide Three favorite activities are: reading, cooking, and hiking!
Goals for the school year: Build self-confidence in students Grow socially, emotionally as well as academically Show respect for self and others Build social skills needed to be a good friend Gain independence and celebrate unique abilities Ability to take risks, have fun learning Build foundation for aspiring life-long learners
Responsive Classroom Building classroom community through responsive classroom strategies: Hopes and Dreams Class Rules Morning Meetings Greeting, Sharing, Group activity, morning message Closing Circles Closing activity, thoughtful goodbye
Kindergarten Curriculum: Math: Math Expressions, ST Math Calendar: Days of the week, months, #chart, graphing, pattern practice, place value practice, DIBELs practice Literacy: Reading Wonders, Orton-Gillingham, Smarty Ants, Chipeta’s Leveled- Book Room Writing: Writer’s Workshop, Writing Workshop, Step-Up to Writing Units of Study: ABC book, Personal Narrative, Pattern Book, All About Book, Opinion/ Persuasive writing, Letter writing, Informational Paragraph, Research Project, How-to- Book Science: Science Kit Units of Study: Five Senses, Balls and Ramps, Plants, Temperature/ Weather, Butterflies, and Animals
Habits of Work- HOW Respect- I am caring and considerate of myself, others, and our community Responsibility- I am accountable for my decisions Leadership and Collaboration- I am a team player and lead by example Integrity- I am honorable Persistence- I am motivated to keep trying
Classroom Management: Card System- Blue - 2 stars in daily folder (above and beyond) Green- 1 star in daily folder (great day!) Yellow- Yellow check on feedback form (1 offense) Red- Red check on feedback form (2 offenses) Each student that is on yellow or red has the chance to move his/her card back to green during the day if I catch them making better choices
Classroom Reward Systems Warm and Fuzzy Jar & Weekly Goal Chart- whole group Reach for the Stars Graph- small group HOW tickets- individual student
Kindergarten Wiki Website: You can access our important kindergarten information at: http://hvonfeldt.pbworks.com/w/page/7257779/FrontPage Daily Schedule Weekly Themes Kinder Sight Word List Weekly Newsletters
Snack & Lunch Time We have a 15 minute snack break We share snack and usually eat crackers. I LOVE when parents send in healthy choices Please let me know first. We have a 25 minute lunch break from 11:40 – 12:05. Don’t be surprised if your child does not eat as much as he/she does at home. Please send in cold lunch or have your child buy hot lunch. You can put money on your child’s lunch card on-line or send in a check. PLEASE SEND A DRINK!
Reading/ Homework: Monthly Reading Logs Family Project worksheets
Volunteers: contact me if you are interested Party Planners – Winter Party and Valentine’s Day Party from 12:05-12:50 – treats at 1:45 Room Parent A contact person for PTA for events like teacher appreciation and holiday lunches. PTA Representative SAC Representative a parent group that is interested in learning more and helping make decisions about Chipeta. This group meets most months on the first Tuesday from 5-6:30 pm. Centers – Fridays (almost every week) Sign up through the weekly newsletters