Mars Curriculum Overview – Spring 1 2018 Abacus Place value of 4 digit numbers Subtraction of 3 digit Numbers Estimate and measure angles Literacy – Talk 4 Writing F - Stories about imaginary worlds – Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl P: Performance Poems Science – Rising Stars Looking at states Ruth Miskin Phonics, grammar, comprehension. P.E. Real PE –Cognitive Skills PSHE -Living in the Wider World R.E Judaism Mars Curriculum Overview – Spring 1 2018 Geography-Rising Stars How does water go round and round? Art- Can we change places? Citizenship – Espresso News and current affairs Computing -Rising Stars -We are musicians Homework Reading – books and comics (as requested) Maths Science Spellings All sent home on a Fri to be in by the following Thurs Languages Unit 1 On fait la fete (Celebrations)