Volume 9, Issue 8, Pages 730-756 (August 2008) Cancer survival in five continents: a worldwide population-based study (CONCORD) Prof Michel P Coleman, FFPH, Manuela Quaresma, MSc, Franco Berrino, MD, Jean-Michel Lutz, MD, Roberta De Angelis, BSc, Riccardo Capocaccia, PhD, Paolo Baili, PhD, Bernard Rachet, MD, Gemma Gatta, MD, Prof Timo Hakulinen, PhD, Andrea Micheli, PhD, Milena Sant, MD, Hannah K Weir, PhD, Prof J Mark Elwood, MD, Hideaki Tsukuma, MD, Sergio Koifman, PhD, Gulnar Azevedo e Silva, PhD, Silvia Francisci, PhD, Mariano Santaquilani, PhD, Arduino Verdecchia, PhD, Hans H Storm, MD, Prof John L Young, PhD The Lancet Oncology Volume 9, Issue 8, Pages 730-756 (August 2008) DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70179-7 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 5-year relative survival (%), age-standardised to the ICSS weights* with 95% CIs for adults (aged 15–99 years) diagnosed with cancer of the breast (women), colorectum, or prostate during 1990–94 and followed up to Dec 31, 1999: country Vertical bar on the right of each graphic shows the contribution (%) of each continent to the total number of cases analysed (contributions under 1% are not labelled). Red vertical line represents mean survival for the 22 European countries that participated in EUROCARE-3, age-standardised to ICSS weights. Switzerland only provided data for breast cancer. *Age-standardised to ICSS weights, except for Sétif, Algeria (all cancers), Malta (prostate), and Portugal (prostate), which were unstandardised values (see text). †Problems with data quality might have led to over-estimation (see text). The Lancet Oncology 2008 9, 730-756DOI: (10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70179-7) Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 2 5-year relative survival (%), using state-specific and race-specific life tables and age-standardised to the ICSS weights* for adults (aged 15–99 years) diagnosed with cancer of the breast (women), colon, rectum, colon and rectum combined, or prostate during 1990–94 and followed up to Dec 31, 1999: 16 US States and six metropolitan areas Vertical lines represent mean survival for SEER (red) and NPCR (green) registries, age-standardised to ICSS weights (see text). *Age-standardised to ICSS weights (see text). †Problems with data quality might have led to over-estimation (see text). The Lancet Oncology 2008 9, 730-756DOI: (10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70179-7) Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 3 5-year relative survival (%), age-standardised to the ICSS weights* with 95% CIs for adults (aged 15–99 years) diagnosed with cancer of the colon or rectum during 1990–94 and followed up to Dec 31, 1999: country Vertical bar on the right of each graphic shows the contribution (%) of each continent to the total number of cases analysed (contributions under 1% are not labelled). Red vertical line represents mean survival for the 22 European countries that participated in EUROCARE-3, age-standardised to the ICSS weights. *Age-standardised to ICSS weights, except for Sétif, Algeria (all cancers), Austria (rectum [women]), Iceland (rectum [men and women]), Ireland (rectum [women]), Malta (colon [men] and rectum [men and women]), which were unstandardised values (see text). †Problems with data quality might have led to over-estimation (see text). The Lancet Oncology 2008 9, 730-756DOI: (10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70179-7) Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions