SCHOOL CHOICE 2018 Public Information Meeting presented October 23, 2018 Appoquinimink School District
Appoquinimink Schools Our goal is to operate a world-class school system whose graduates have the knowledge and skills to successfully compete in any state or country.
Appoquinimink Schools Who we are: 17 Schools in 2019-2020 11,402 Students 1,429 Full & PT staff 862 Teachers 64 Administrators Since 1998, we have invested more than $300 million in our schools to make them among the best in the state and region New schools are being built: Odessa High School and Cantwell’s Bridge Middle School
Appoquinimink Schools How do we measure success? Academic Achievement College and Career Readiness Meeting Diverse Student Needs Fostering Parent/Community Partnerships
Appoquinimink Schools Application Process Grades 1-12 “Choice” Enrollment Begins: November 5, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. “Choice” Enrollment Closes: January 9, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. Hours of operation: 8AM – 4PM weekdays Kindergarten Registration events held at Alfred G. Waters Middle School: November 19 & 20, 2018 from 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 4 – 7:30 p.m. December 4, 2018 from 4 – 7:30 p.m. “Choice” Enrollment Ends: First day of School Applications received after these deadlines will be considered for “good cause”
Appoquinimink Schools How do I apply? Step One: Make sure your child is registered or pre-registered in a Delaware Public School. If you are entering school in Delaware for the first time, you must go to your assigned feeder school (in your home district and current grade to complete this process). If your child attended preschool in one of the Delaware’s public school district, s/he has already been registered. Step Two: Complete a Choice Application. This is an online application process. If you are in need of a computer you may stop by the Appoquinimink School District’s Administrative Offices in Odessa. (Sorry, paper copies will not be accepted!)
Appoquinimink Schools Application Process Complete an online application Required documents to upload: Report card from previous year and current year Attendance Discipline history (a letter or copy of the eSchool Discipline report from the counselor or administrator) Apply online at
Appoquinimink Schools Priority Criteria (in order of importance) Returning students who continue to meet the school requirements Siblings of students already enrolled in the school and who will be returning to the school for the following academic year Siblings of students living in the district will be given priority over siblings not living in the district Children of employees Students living within the Appoquinimink School District Students residing outside the district
Appoquinimink Schools Criteria for Denial of Request School is over capacity Students who have been suspended or expelled Students who have been absent for more than 15 days
Near or At Capacity – Waitlist Expected Appoquinimink Schools Instructional Capacity Capacity determined by the amount of instructional capacity and the projections for the upcoming school year District will accept choice until 85% capacity is reached Schools with possible vacancies Near or At Capacity – Waitlist Expected Bunker Hill Elementary Cedar Lane Early Childhood Brick Mill Elementary Spring Meadow Early Childhood Lorewood Grove Elementary Townsend Early Childhood Olive B. Loss Elementary
Appoquinimink Schools Requirements of Enrollment Once accepted, a student will be enrolled in the “choice” school until completion of that building’s grade level configuration (i.e. K, 1-5, 6-8, 9-12) A student accepted for enrollment in a District school shall remain for a minimum of two years A student who fails to meet the academic requirements of the “choice” school, fails to comply with attendance policy requirements, or violates the ASD Student Code of Conduct may not be permitted to return the next year
Appoquinimink Schools Transportation Bus transportation will be provided from an existing ASD bus stop serving that “choice” school and is dependent on bus seat capacity. If a bus is at capacity, an alternate bus and stop location will be assigned. Parents/guardians are responsible for their child at the bus stop when school is dismissed early or if the opening of school is delayed.
Appoquinimink Schools “Good Cause” is defined as: A change in a child’s residence due to a change in family residence A change in the state in which the family residence is located A change in the marital status of the child’s parents A change caused by a guardianship proceeding Placement of a child in foster care Adoption Participation by a child in a foreign exchange program Participation by a child in a substance abuse or mental health treatment program Or a set of circumstances consistent with this definition of “good cause”
Appoquinimink Schools Withdrawal / Termination of “Choice” Enrollment in a “choice” school will automatically end upon completion of the last grade level contained in the “choice” school A parent/guardian may apply to withdraw enrollment in the District at the end of a school year Any student who fails to comply with the ASD attendance policy requirements Any student who fails to meet the academic requirements of the “choice” school Any student who engages in behavior that results in a recommendation for expulsion, placement in an alternative educational setting, or one or more serious violations of the District’s Student Code of Conduct
Appoquinimink Schools Timeline Reminder November 5, 2018: Application process begins January 9, 2019: School choice closes for Grades 1-12 at 11:59 p.m. February 11, 2019: The Board shall take action to approve or disapprove an application. By February 28, 2019: the district shall notify the parent/guardian as well as the district of residence of the decision. Must accept or reject Choice Invitation by March 15, 2019 First Day of School 2019-2020: School choice closes for Kindergarten applications
Time for your Questions Appoquinimink Schools Time for your Questions