Dealing with users: From the quality of the reception to the quality of the service provided Hello!
Contents The development of quality policies for state services The contents of the May 2008 Marianne Certification Programme The deployment of the programme within the various State services This is the point to share Who are the right people to contact? How can they be contacted? How do you see the territorial approach?
The development of quality policies for state services Transport/Poste/Industrie
From the Trojan horse to an pressing need to succeed 1985–2004 : Political awareness of the need to improve service quality produces a flood of texts that have only a marginal impact on practices within the various services. 2005–2006: The Marianne Charter: for the first time, explicit commitments concerning reception, but with no guarantees for the user (compliance not checked) 2006–2007: the Marianne Certification Programme: the successor to the Charter, defining a set of common commitments, with a guarantee that these commitments will be kept (third-party certification) 2008–2010: the Marianne Certification Programme, May 2008: a new version that meets users' needs and that covers both user reception and the service rendered during the reception phase, with a certification process Political support
Guaranteed commitments Content of the specific services provided Comparison of the Charter, the Label, and service-specific certification programmes Service-specific certification programmes Qualipref, Qualifinances, Qualiville, etc. Guaranteed commitments Marianne Label April 2007 version Marianne Charter Where should the V2 label be located? Reception Content of the specific services provided
The source of the changes Version 2 of the Certification Programme takes into account: Surveys and user focus groups Feedback gathered at the end of the experimental phase of the Marianne Label User reception requirements of the General Review of Public Policies
Results of customer surveys Remarks, proposals and one observation The preferred mode of contact remains the in-person visit (44%), compared with mail (28%) telephone (17%) and Internet (10%) The government is perceived as slow and unable to adapt to the needs of its users User reception is described as unpleasant, cold and inefficient Only 63% thought that access to services had been made easier, and only 53% thought that their suggestions had been taken into account "Get rid of Interactive Voice Response systems" Go from my request all the way to dealing with my file" "Manage waiting lines better (no wait longer than 15 minutes) "A month is too long to wait for a letter…"
Feedback from the 62 pilot sites Main observations The Marianne Certification Programme sets relevant quality standards, and can be adapted to a wide range of contexts An initial quality threshold has been reached, but it is not enough to have an impact on user satisfaction The quality process has often not had enough of an impact on the organisation or overall service performance The Programme has not led the various sites to develop personalised approaches to drawing up multi-level strategies or to managing relations with their users
Where users and survey results agree The three priority areas for improvement 1 - Adapt opening hours for walk-up windows: 65% 2 - Reduce waiting times for answers: 56% 3 - Offer time slots for appointments with services: 45%
Deployment of the Marianne Certification Programme (V2) RGPP requirements: Five initiatives taken at the first meeting of the Public Policy Modernisation Council (CMPP) concerning improved user reception Deployment of the Marianne Certification Programme (V2) Adapted opening hours (Kit) Mystery visits (V2) Improved telephone reception (3939 hotline, cost, available hours) Improved "electronic" reception (portal, charter)
Contents of version 2 of the Certification Programme Transport/Poste/Industrie
The programme follows the user's path Easier access Reception and orientation Response to requests Improve the organisation and staff skills Handle complaints To make progress, listen
Certification Programme commitments You want better and more available services. We are committed to providing the best possible access based on your needs. 1 – We will regularly carry out surveys in order to understand your expectations and adapt our opening hours accordingly. 2 - We will keep you informed about when and how you can access our services, and let you know each time these conditions change. 3 - We will direct you to the right service and look after you. 4 - We will provide easier access for persons with reduced mobility. 5 - We will provide a customised welcome for disadvantaged persons. You expect to be treated with more consideration. We are committed to treating you courteously and efficiently. 6 - We will treat you with courtesy and give you the name of your correspondent. 7 - We will make it easier for you to consult your files. 8 - We will provide you with comfortable waiting and reception areas. You want your requests handled quickly. We are committed to dealing with them within the stated time periods. 9 - We will ensure that our letters and e-mails are readable and understandable. 10 - We will deal with your letters within a maximum of 15 working days. 11 - We will deal with your e-mails within a maximum of 5 working days. 12 - We will answer your telephone calls within 5 rings and handle them appropriately.
Certification Programme commitments You expect your suggestions and complaints to be taken into account. We are committed to better responding to your feedback. 13 - We will respond to your suggestions and complaints concerning our service commitments within a maximum of 15 working days. You want us to listen to you more. We want you to help us make progress. 14 - Every year we will carry out a satisfaction survey and publish the results. To meet our commitments, we will improve our organisation and expand our skills. 15 - We are committed to improving our services and involving our staff in the process. 16 - We will ensure that our literature provides users with accurate and up-to-date information. 17 - We will regularly check that our commitments are being met. 18 - We will regularly evaluate our practices with a desire for continuous improvement. 19 - We will produce an annual report, and initiate actions for improving reception of users and the services they receive.
Project for deploying the May 2008 version of the Marianne Certification Programme Transport/Poste/Industrie
Project timeline Deployment of the Marianne Certification Programme (V2) User response RGPP feedback Deployment of version 2 of the Programme Adapt training and tools Meet with ministers: Strategy, governance and steering structures Draw up ministerial action plans Train and offer support Activate and lead networks and Steering Committee Design and implement the DGME's communication plan about the deployment
Deployment project governance Structuring governance in each ministry: A project director and a project manager A project team in each ministry Marianne correspondents and contact persons at each site A team consisting of the DGME, the ministries and the prefectures for supporting the change and making it a success: A reception project team at the DGME An interministerial steering committee A Marianne correspondent within each Prefecture This is the point to share Who are the right people to contact? How can they be contacted? How do you see the territorial approach?
A true improvement process The Marianne project will require analysis of both practices and organisations: A strategy and an action plan for each ministry Indicators for both project advancement and results Evaluation of the project implementation will be accomplished via: Annual mystery visits Third-party certification audits commissioned by the DGME of randomly-selected services
Thank you for your attention! Catherine Giraudon