Welcome to Mr. Frank’s Class 8th Grade Math
3 Interesting Facts About Mr. Frank I have been to all 50 states at least twice (drove the kids to New York three summers ago and made it to Juneau, Alaska this past summer). I have completed 3 marathons, including the 2008 Las Vegas marathon where I was surrounded by Elvis costumes. I walked on to the intercollegiate bowling team at the University of Kansas.
Mr. Frank Looks Familiar? Random Jobs Mr. Frank Looks Familiar? Has taught for over 17 years Former 6th/7th grade math teacher at Santa Rosa and PVSEA Las Colinas Soccer and Flag Football Coach 2011 and 2018 La Mariposa PE Teacher and Track Coach Youth Sports Coach and Ref Mr. Frank has also… Worked as a camp counselor at teen travel camps based on the East Coast. Worked for the Pleasant Valley School District an as an Elementary PE specialist in 2011. Worked as a background extra for ER and the Bernie Mac Show.
Goals of Our Math Program Prepare students for high school Develop building blocks for higher math Think about possible correct answers Get the correct answer when there is one (this hasn’t changed) Give a detailed justification as to WHY the answer is correct (good skill to learn before high school Geometry) Solve real life problems using mathematics
What Are 8th Graders Learning? Chapter 1: Equations --------------------------- Angles, Graphing, Linear Systems, the Pythagorean Theorem, and more… ----------------------------- Chapter 10: Exponents
Typical Day in Our Class 1. Students arrive in class and find an activity waiting for them on the board. 2. Students take out their homework and place it on the corner of the desk. 3. I check attendance and homework while students do the warm-up activity. 4. We review the warm-up and homework together. 5. We work out of the textbooks and the Record and Practice Journals. 6. We occasionally use Chromebooks when appropriate.
GRADING Tests and Quizzes (50%): Quizzes will occur periodically during a chapter. They may be announced or unannounced. Tests will be given as needed at the end of each chapter. Our Chapter 1 test will be on Friday. Students will take up to one district benchmark per quarter. Classwork (40%): Classwork is daily participation and effort. An occasional assignment will be collected for a grade. Students should bring their Record and Practice Journal (workbook) daily for classwork assignments. Homework (10%): Given after almost every math class, homework is generally checked for completion and effort. Students usually check their own homework for correctness and may use it as a study guide. Encourage your child to show his/her work to earn full credit.
I NEED A RETAKE!!! Students scoring under 70% on a quiz or test may retake it after school and raise the grade as high as 70% within a week of getting the test back. This does not apply to benchmarks, midterms, or finals.
What If A Student Doesn’t Understand? Many of our students have had difficulty in the past in math. I review fraction skills and encourage students to see me if they are still not understanding standards from earlier grades. The students may ask questions during class. The textbook provides worked out examples. Drop-by tutoring is offered following school on select Fridays—check the webpage for days and times. Help is available at lunch by appointment or before school if my door is open. Help from parents…which used to be easy…
3rd Grade Daughter / PVSD But Now “Daddy, I need help with this. I have the answer but what work am I supposed to show?” 6th Grade Son In PVSD 3rd Grade Daughter / PVSD
Previous Math vs. Common Core Middle School Example Leah buys 40 apples at 35 cents each. She eats 2 apples and sells the rest for 45 cents each. How much money does she make? This can be solved using arithmetic. (.45)(38) – (.35)(40) Revenue – Expenses Leah buys some apples at 35 cents each. She eats 2 apples and sells the rest for 45 cents each. She makes $4.40. How many apples did she sell? This goes a bit deeper and requires more thought and/or algebra. Profit = Revenue – Expenses 4.40=.45a – .35(a+2) where a is the amount of apples sold… From http://excelined.org/common-core-toolkit/old-standards-v-common-core-a-side-by-side-comparison-of-math-expectations/
Ways Parents Can Help When the Methods May Have Changed Through the links section of Mr. Frank’s school web page, you can get to our Big Ideas Textbook https://www.bigideasmath.com/students/?level=9.00 and to Khan Academy for a digital tutorial. http://www.khanacademy.org Read through class notes with your child and ask him or her to explain. If they can’t explain it, then please suggest that they visit me during tutoring times.
Thanks for Being Here!!! Parents, teachers and our administrators are all on the same team here. We are all working together to maximize student learning.
sfrank@pleasantvalleysd.org Scott Frank Las Colinas Math Teacher (805) 484-0461 http://www.pvsd.k12.ca.us/Domain/1047